elementary OS 6.0 Released For A Meticulously Crafted Linux Desktop

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  • ermo
    Originally posted by kpedersen View Post
    Gnome 2 however had an actual usability study carried out (by Sun Microsystems for the Solaris 10 JDS fork). Gnome 3 never had this. It is just programmers hacking away at what they think is a novelty to use.
    Are you sure about that?

    Originally posted by blog.gnome.org
    Ongoing user research has been a major feature of this design initiative, and I would say that it is by far the best researched project that I have worked on. Our research has informed the design as it has proceeded, resulting in particular design choices and changes, which have improved the overall design and will make it a better experience for users. As a result of this, we have a much greater degree of confidence in the designs.

    This post is intended as a general overview of the research that we’ve been doing. I’m excited to share this, as a way of explaining how the design came about, as well as sharing some of the insights that we’ve found along the way.


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  • Mez'
    Originally posted by kpedersen View Post
    I can probably safely say that none of us on these forums would be qualified to design a usable UI system. We are programmers, sysadmins and tech guys. Not UI experts. They would likely be on a different forums and thinking about things more creative than desktop environments
    Talk about yourself. I'm on the business side, representing end users against the IT crowd, and I hand out mock-ups of what the UI should look like to IT every single week.

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  • Mez'
    Originally posted by tornado99 View Post
    Mez'It just looks like an amateur variation/tweak of any standard Linux system theme from 5-10 years ago.

    It's proof that most computer programmers think graphic UX design is something they can do themselves without any formal training.
    You're talking about adwaita here I assume. You're addressing the wrong person then. I have no clue how Gnome devs can self-appoint themselves designers when they're obviously the most amateurish at it if compared to every single DE and theme around Linux.

    Now, elementary/pantheon isn't fantastic either, just about decent. The dock is especially not looking good in my opinion. But the GTK theme doesn't look too far behind the most popular themes of 2021 (not to be confused with 2012).

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  • kpedersen
    Originally posted by tornado99 View Post
    It's proof that most computer programmers think graphic UX design is something they can do themselves without any formal training.
    This is exactly why Gnome 3 is fairly unusable and ugly.

    Gnome 2 however had an actual usability study carried out (by Sun Microsystems for the Solaris 10 JDS fork). Gnome 3 never had this. It is just programmers hacking away at what they think is a novelty to use.

    I can probably safely say that none of us on these forums would be qualified to design a usable UI system. We are programmers, sysadmins and tech guys. Not UI experts. They would likely be on a different forums and thinking about things more creative than desktop environments
    Last edited by kpedersen; 10 August 2021, 05:24 PM.

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  • tornado99
    Mez' - in what way is it evolved? It just looks like an amateur variation/tweak of any standard Linux system theme from 5-10 years ago.

    It's proof that most computer programmers think graphic UX design is something they can do themselves without any formal training.

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  • Mez'
    If there ever was a child between Gnome and Budgie, this is definitely the looks that would pop out of that mix. Unsure which one would be the chicken or the egg though.

    Apparently, there is some kind of overview that you can trigger with a 3-finger swipe up. But going up is stressing your hand more and harder to achieve than going down, so can you change it to 3-finger swipe down?

    Finally, can you add back packages and snaps in their software center? I really don't give a damn about flatpaks, and being limited to them is a no-go for me.
    Last edited by Mez'; 10 August 2021, 05:29 PM.

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  • Mez'
    Originally posted by tornado99 View Post
    The theme looks like Gnome about 5 or 10 years ago. Dated, generic, not new in any respect.

    Why is it that so many of these themed distros just seem to be computer programmers having a go at design and fiddling with a few colors? Not yet seen one that actually had any decent graphic design influences that I could make out.

    The only two games in town for Linux UX design are KDE Breeze and Gnome, purely because they have so many people working on them they are fairly decent. And for icons Papirus is pretty good.
    More like the other way around. Adwaita looks like a pale and outdated version of this.
    Adwaita looks like a cheap OS X theme circa 2012. This is far more evolved.
    Last edited by Mez'; 10 August 2021, 04:49 PM.

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  • AHOY
    Originally posted by tildearrow View Post

    Why do you think the developer would be concerned about Wayland? He cares about Average Joe and ease of use.
    I was just asking I don't follow ugly GTKesque desktops closely.

    If they cared so much about the Average Joe shouldn't they just clone the most widely used desktop paradigm, Microsoft Windows? I'm pretty sure that's what the studies say. Familiarity and previous experiences being very important. You move a button and nana dies.

    Anyway it would probably feel ten times snappier running with Wayfire or whatever.

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  • tildearrow
    Originally posted by AHOY View Post
    Why do you think the developer would be concerned about Wayland? He cares about Average Joe and ease of use.

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  • damonlynch
    The desktop's photo has extensive blown highlights, i.e. parts of the image that are pure white. That's unfortunate. It's the kind of error a beginner to photography makes. Will many end users notice, much less care? I have no idea.

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