elementary OS 6.0 Released For A Meticulously Crafted Linux Desktop
Originally posted by You- View PostThey wont rebase on Fedora of any kind for the simple reason they want a long term supported base. So if moving to red hat family, their only option would be Centos.
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Originally posted by r_a_trip View Post
I don't hate them, but they are definitely not on my radar as an option. When they were a lot smaller then they are now...
I want to see a power user's review of their new mail app.
They do identify real issues - that independent app developers have no source of revenue unlike the same app developer doing the app for iOS (paid) or android (spyware). having the ability and infrastructure for paid apps as first class citizens is good and without elementary I dont think there would have been a push for getting this to work properly.
Their adoption of work done upstream to democratise flatpaks also seems to have broadened their horizons. They only started considering flatpak sriously after upstream release something to make flatpak repositories easier to manage. They then worked with upstream to enable payment infrastructure (paid apps or donations - the final step will still need to be done by the distro).
Also, the flatpaks having runtimes also has given them some confidence that their apps wont be broken on other systems - they previously did a sort of fork of the GTK theme so GTK apps looked bad in elementary and elementary apps looked bad in gnome and elsewhere because the themes couldn't co-exist. Now through having their own runtime, this isnt an issue.
It is good to remember the issues, but also good to recognise change.
Originally posted by botsAndRoses View PostNice! Not my cup of tea but looks like they've come a long way since 5.0. I think Flatpack makes a lot of sense for the ecosystem they're building. I wonder if they've entertained the idea of rebasing on Fedora Silverblue? Probably not -- would be a ton of work, I'm sure -- but would be cool.
Moving to debian though could be interesting - Debian now also have regular stable releases (once every 3 years compared for 2 for ubuntu LTS), but once again it will be a lot of work if they choose to do that.
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Originally posted by horizonbrave View Postno COW filesystem
no Wayland
no 2021!
seriously, safety of data and security of the system should be paramount on any decent OS, more than cute factor.
Said that, I like Elementary is clean and easy to understand really suits its audience, what I dislike is the way that is managed as a product not as a project, hence all the customization are intentionally reduced or restrict; eventually is the same thing in Gnome since also them started to handle the Gnome Desktop more as product rather than as a project.
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Nice! Not my cup of tea but looks like they've come a long way since 5.0. I think Flatpack makes a lot of sense for the ecosystem they're building. I wonder if they've entertained the idea of rebasing on Fedora Silverblue? Probably not -- would be a ton of work, I'm sure -- but would be cool.
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Originally posted by You- View PostFor those who hate them, remember that Elementary have done something others have struggled with: making an app ecosystem that new developers can and do get into. This is huge (and has been helped y their focus on documentation and slimming down developer options).
I was at that time mildly interested and willing to check it out. Then the "freeloader" incident took place. So they are off the menu. I don't need my OS vendor to have disdain for me. If I want to feel lesser, I would be running Windows.
So app developers on Elementary have no impact on my computing. I will never look at Elementary for any use.
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Originally posted by AHOY View Post
I like that it allow users to more easily express themselves, and also make it easier to get and more inclusive.
Even if it's not a distro I'd use I think Flatpak was very good choice and also why I asked about Wayland. It's crucial for sandboxing. These things add up like they'll get full PipeWire when they release 7.0, a year after the next Ubuntu LTS release? I hope I'm wrong.
They will just be irritated by the number of issues that come with it (whether it's theming, different folders for personal saves and screenshots, etc...).
I don't want sandboxing, there is only little extra security value to it compared to the drawbacks it comes with. I want consistency and pragmatism.
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Originally posted by horizonbrave View Postno COW filesystem
no Wayland
no 2021!
seriously, safety of data and security of the system should be paramount on any decent OS, more than cute factor.
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I am glad they got this out the door - it will have been a massive effort for a small team.
I wasnt originally a fan of elementary team (they were too opinionated in ways I disliked), but I feel they have been growing into their role.
With the move to flatpak, they also have a major part of their software in order now - it would have been a massive effort moving their ecosystem over, but it should now make things easier for them.
For those who hate them, remember that Elementary have done something others have struggled with: making an app ecosystem that new developers can and do get into. This is huge (and has been helped y their focus on documentation and slimming down developer options).
In relation to Wayland, this release was based on 20.4 LTS, so before Ubuntu's move to Wayland by default. I would expect Wayland to be an option or default next release (which hopefully wont take as long).
Something less commented on that is IMO a huge thing is their release of the mail app. It is a rewrite based on Evolution Data Server. I havent tested it but if done right, it should work as another frontend to Evolution. That is huge.
(I do dislile the padding/margins inelementary. I dont know why, but they looked a little cramped.)
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