Originally posted by arQon
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Please note this is back in 2020 when glibc hwcaps start there is performance gains and stability gains here. Yes glibc is written with runtime selection but zen issue with the cache size being different to intel requiring a different alignment in allocations is one of the cases. Interest point you only need to update the libraries that did new allocations to fix the zen issue with caching not all yes that was glibc and about 5 others and you were done giving everything on the system a performance gain. There are other issues where what you will be working around like spectre and meltdown issues results in lower performance but you fix security/stability of course those fixes make no sense on cpus without the issue.
This is why its tricky to work out what the cost will be lot of cases only a small number of packages need to be changed to fix a cpu/platform linked performance/security issue but these are normally libraries that are massively used.
Something to consider here if you don't have cpu with a problem why should you system have to change its core library that is not defective. Remember this is something built in runtime selection causes. The side by side library solution allows a faster deployment of a fix for a hardware issue as the fix library to X hardware problem only has to be tested on X hardware instead of the runtime selection path where the library has to work right for everything.
There are a stack of benefits to the to the glibc HWCAPS route.
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