Originally posted by caligula
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Second, tools like that won't distingush between "device is dead" (no message on insertion) and "device failed to initialize" (bad/too-long cable, usually).
Third, modern desktop environments should inform users, but most don't in my experience, and I care about end-user experience, not "Let's fix this and then pass the buck. It's the DE's fault if the user experiences a regression, not ours." They should learn from the spirit of the kernel's userspace ABI stability and not be allowed to make a change like this unless they first get compensatory patches merged into all major DEs.
Fourth, looking in /dev/input means I have to unplug the device again, then run ls -1 /dev/input > temp.txt, then plug it in and ls -1 /dev/input > temp2.txt; diff -u temp.txt temp2.txt; rm temp.txt temp2.txt. dmesg does that for me in a single command. (I don't know about your distro, but it's a crapshoot whether *buntu will put an alias in the by-id and by-path folders.)
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