Originally posted by Vistaus
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Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Continuing To Work On Python 2 Removal
Originally posted by kylew77 View PostI'm just a student but why is end of life for a language a bad thing? People still code in C99 and Fortran and Cobol. Just because the language is old doesn't mean you can't write software for that standard right? Its not like say WIndows XP where security vulnerabilities exist that don't get patched anymore. It is just a programing language. What am I missing?
Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post
I have to assume those were pulled in for building some AUR packages or via some IDE with cruddy version control dependencies. Those are the only reasons those ever get installed on my systems.
AsuMagic The package pahole-git should be rebuilt. It depends on python3 now (and has since at least May according to the AUR page).
How long do you go without rebuilding git based AUR packages? Over six months isn't good practice to get into.
Originally posted by franglais125 View Post
The next version of inkscape is already ported to Python3. It is available on debian experimental (beta version).
So you'll probably be fine.
Originally posted by JPFSanders View PostThe P2 to P3 debacle echoes the even bigger disaster that it is IPv4 to IPv6, I mention it because the IPv6 chaps deliberately sabotaged all efforts to make it backwards compatible, "It's just better".
IPv4 retrocompatibility is NAT on a router that has also a IPv6 DHCP server for IPv6 devices.
Originally posted by kylew77 View PostI'm just a student but why is end of life for a language a bad thing? People still code in C99 and Fortran and Cobol. Just because the language is old doesn't mean you can't write software for that standard right? Its not like say WIndows XP where security vulnerabilities exist that don't get patched anymore. It is just a programing language. What am I missing?
A rough equivalent for C would be Glibc or musl or whatever other standard C library you will most likely be using if you are doing something more complex than a single "hello world". For Java it would be the core libraries shipped with the runtime, and so on and so forth.
If all you care is "does it run" then it isn't a major issue, it will be a long while before something does not run anymore, but it is a security problem, just as with Win XP.
Originally posted by Pajn View Postinkscape and solaar is the only thing I use that need python2. Solaar is easy to just ignore but inkscape is worse. Is there any other reasonably good vector software to replace it?
So overall everything is fine for you.
Originally posted by Vistaus View Post
BleachBit has already been ported to Python 3 and Gtk 3. So nice try.
As that issue tracker clearly demonstrates, it is not as easy as one might think ("just use py2to3").