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CodeWeavers Will Soon Release CrossOver/Wine For Android, DirectX11 Support Progressing

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  • CodeWeavers Will Soon Release CrossOver/Wine For Android, DirectX11 Support Progressing

    Phoronix: CodeWeavers Will Soon Release CrossOver/Wine For Android, DirectX11 Support Progressing

    Since early 2014 we've seen Wine running on Android and now it looks like before the end of the year CodeWeavers will release a version of CrossOver for Android along with publishing the associated Wine patches...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

  • #2
    What most Phoronix readers are interested in though is the release of Wine/CrossOver for Android,
    The what? Nah man we're waiting for DX11 and Gallium-Nine support. Next thing you'll tell us is that we're waiting for Steam on Android. No wait, that's actually a pretty cool idea.


    • #3
      I could definitely use Wine on Android. I have a high-end x86_64 Android tablet currently (Z580CA) and can't find any use for this hardware... Wine would help out greatly with that

      Of course... if I could just install native Linux onto this thing, then I probably wouldn't care at all.

      Now the question is, how soon is "soon"?
      Last edited by Guest; 05 October 2015, 11:24 PM.


      • #4
        Since Android has nothing in common with a "normal" Linux distribution except some special per-device adapted Kernel including properitary modules i really have no clue why a phoronix reader should care about Android in a special manner.

        If i would have some interest in a mobile OS it was SailfishOS - of course.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dukenukemx View Post
          Next thing you'll tell us is that we're waiting for Steam on Android. No wait, that's actually a pretty cool idea.
          I actually have tried VNCing into my Linux from a Android Tablet - it's pretty sweet.

          As for Steam Gaming on Android? I'll pass, most games aren't build to be compiled for ARM and a fair amount of their libraries likely don't even compile on ARM yet. Not to mention the performance differential of ARM to x86 isn't even comparable yet. ARM_64 is (from my POV) making an entry at a glaciers speed.


          CodeWeavers/WINE on Android? Cool. I think the market would jump for joy if it was easy enough to run Windows Apps on Android via WINE even at cost. Although, I am concerned that most Windows Apps won't perform as ARM was never designer to run x86 binaries.

          Believe me, I would love nothing more than to play StarCraft BroodWar on a Tablet - that would be hella sweet.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ElectricPrism View Post
            CodeWeavers/WINE on Android? Cool. I think the market would jump for joy if it was easy enough to run Windows Apps on Android via WINE even at cost. Although, I am concerned that most Windows Apps won't perform as ARM was never designer to run x86 binaries.

            Believe me, I would love nothing more than to play StarCraft BroodWar on a Tablet - that would be hella sweet.
            Judging by the article, Wine for Android will only be for Intel x86-compliant devices and not ARM (at least officially; I think there is some unofficial port of Wine currently that does ARM-to-x86).


            • #7
              Originally posted by ElectricPrism View Post
              ... ARM ... ARM ... ARM ... ARM_64 ... ARM
              I'm guessing you didn't read the article?


              • #8
                Now imagine: CossOver + (Android x86 with Mesa with Gallium, RadeonSI, Nouveau) + = TOTAL Desktop Linux KILLER

                This combination should be a new redistributable ChromeOS. It wins with donz of Android Apps (with M$ Office) and ability to play desktop games. IMO it would twice the Android Apps market.

                Actually I made an attempt to make something similar last year:
                Last edited by kyvaith; 19 November 2015, 02:48 PM.

