I like avidemux2, too.
3 windows apps that you would like to see ported
Originally posted by mgc8 View Post1. Messengers -- Skype is in a very unstable shape with limited features, Yahoo and MSN are completely missing, while Pidgin and Kopete are valiant efforts but lack the important features like voice and webcam.
IrfanView -- yes, we have a plethora of various image viewers, but they are unstable, featureless, and slow as hell. The fact that I prefer running IrfanView in Wine to any ot the native ones says it all.
Adobe Lightroom - there is no open source end-to-end digital image workflow app that can hold a candle to it, especially on the tagging and sorting end of things - at least there are RAW processing options, from all the dcraw-based apps like UFRaw and the closed-source RawTherapee. Bibble is the best of the commercial Linux options, but it has a clunky UI compared to LR, while Lightzone shows real promise.
Adobe Photoshop - I had CS1 working in Wine for a while, but it stopped working for reasons unknown (possibly a font issue), and it never did close down tidily anyway. Again, there are no open source apps that bring everything to the table, though GIMP and Krita are converging on it. I've given up on the glacial development of Cinepaint.
There is no #3 in mind right now, but I'll post it if I think of one.
Originally posted by niniendowarrior View PostI've never had Skype crash on me ever since I've begun using it on my new laptop. Webcam works fine, voice chatting works fine.
I also tried aMSN but it kept giving errors about my webcam, that was some time ago so I should give the newer versions a try. Also gYachi was promising in the Yahoo departament until it kindof died as a project. Kopete has some support but still patchy... etc. etc.
Originally posted by AradrethI've gotten used to Comix
i want VMware infrastructure Client....
apart from that... I'm with fine with apps on Linux, I do like winSCP but konqueror does it all, just prefer the way winSCP does it... and photoshop would be cool, but I'd rahter learn how to use the Gimp. I agree with IRFRANVIEW or whatever it's called, I really like it in windows and Kview seems to have a few really annoying problems on my system, but i've never looked any further so i'm sure I will find something.