Let's help Linux

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  • Danny3
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2012
    • 2387

    Let's help Linux

    Hi guys,
    I know why we are all here,
    It's because we like Linux
    Some of us like it because it's open source, some because it's free(no money), some because you don't have to install drivers, some because it's easy to develop things,
    Whatever the reason may be, we should try to make it even better
    I'm not saying this because I'm a good guy, I'm saying it because I'm actually selfish, I want to have the best things available
    Since I use Linux every day I want to have the best performance possible, best drivers, games, programs that I have on Windows, etc.
    Unfortunatly Linux is not quite there, I'm missing a lot of Windows programs, from time to time I get errors, freezes, crashes

    So, I thought that to get rid of all these problems the Linux user base must increase
    When you have 10 000 people try a program before you, they will find most of the problems and probably report them to get fixed.
    Not only that, but when companies will see that Linux has so much users they will care to make their products work flawlessly on Linux and will treat Linux as a first class citizen
    So helping Linux is actually helping us
    If you agree with me let's see how can we help
    I will start first telling you what I do:
    1. I'm donating to the projects I like and use
    2. I buy native Linux games, mostly from steam
    3. Bug reports. It's important to tell the developers the problem that you found
    4. Translations into my native language. Since I'm not good at coding, except PHP, at least this I can do
    5. Tell my friends to try it
    Now I'm planning to send some emails to hardware mufacturers, laptop manufacturers to ask them to better support Linux
    Also I want to ask my ISP to add some mirror servers for sourceforge, ubuntu
    In the end I will some emails to the developers of the programs that I use on Windows(e.g foobar2000) to make a Linux version or at least to open source the code, the same with game developing companies.
    If you're with me on this, please do the same, the more we are, the better

    BTW, if you're a coder, you could help the most by developing and fixing things for linux
    If you have any ideas please post them

    Thank you