Mozilla's Route For Implementing W3C EME (HTML5 DRM)

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  • smitty3268
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 6958

    Originally posted by araxth View Post
    P.S. A good thing Mozilla is forked on *nix (Debian's Iceweasel for instance) and i hope they wont implement this piece of crap.
    Please read how it's actually going to work. There's nothing to "implement".

    As plugins today, the CDM itself will be distributed by Adobe and will not be included in Firefox. The browser will download the CDM from Adobe and activate it based on user consent.
    So, when you go to Netflix and it asks you to download the DRM plugin, just say NO, and it won't. Then you won't have any DRM on your machine.


    • AJenbo
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2011
      • 943

      Originally posted by TheLexMachine View Post
      Linux is an OS and not an architecture for hardware so I'm not sure what you're asking by bringing up ARM.
      It's two separate sentences. In the first one I'm stating that I'm not happy with the company that is going to provide the blob, and in the second I'm asking a question about the probability of it. But I guess if the blob has OS dependencies Linux support would also be questionable.


      • smitty3268
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2008
        • 6958

        Originally posted by DrYak View Post
        I just hope that this time, the CDM will have a *VERY MINIMALISTIC* interface (encrypted data goes in, decrypted data goes out). And will access as few other functionality as possible.


        The thing that we actually need to hope is that the CDM will be easy enough for Firefox to isolate/jail.


        Process isolation (as done with Flash currently) and/or running in a restricted VM (PNaCl, JVM) would help mitigiate this kind of problems.
        Please read the mozilla article. Supposedly, the CDM will run in an open source sandbox, and the only thing going in and out is the encrypted and decrypted video data. We'll have to wait and see if that's what finally gets shipped or not, but they have at least been thinking about these exact issues and have tried to mitigate them as much as possible.


        • DrYak
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2008
          • 978

          Originally posted by TheLexMachine View Post
          Linux is an OS and not an architecture for hardware so I'm not sure what you're asking by bringing up ARM.
          Usual approach of ARM by several closed-source software maker (including Adobe):
          "But we *DO* support ARM: we have an Android plug-in".

          In practice: "...but they don't have Linux support on anything else than i686. Maybe x86_64 if you are lucky. Forget about anything else."
          So no plug-ins for ARM Linux (like Meamo/Tizen/SailfishOS, like plain OpenSUSE on ARM netbooks, etc.)


          • smitty3268
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 6958

            Originally posted by AJenbo View Post
            But I guess if the blob has OS dependencies Linux support would also be questionable.
            Yeah, nowhere in there does it say anything about actual Linux support. I'd be surprised if the initial release has it, i bet it's windows only at least to begin with.


            • pouar
              Phoronix Member
              • Jul 2012
              • 100

              I hope you can stop the DRM blob from loading in the sandbox so it doesn't even save to disk, load into memory, download, and/or even run as I don't want any DRM in my browser whatsoever sandboxed or not. I will patch and recompile Firefox myself if I have to.


              • anda_skoa
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2013
                • 1199

                Originally posted by smitty3268 View Post
                Yeah, nowhere in there does it say anything about actual Linux support. I'd be surprised if the initial release has it, i bet it's windows only at least to begin with.
                I wouldn't be surprised if it has desktop Linux support. This is basically the only platform for which this is interesting.

                Windows (all variants) will have Microsoft's DRM, OSX and iOS will have Apple's, Android and ChromeOS will have Google's.
                Linux is the only platform that does not have a CDM as a system component, the only platform where a browser needs to bring its own.
                Well, "only" might be tad too restrictive, not sure if BlackBerry has its own DRM and of course all other free OSs are in the same boat as Linux as far as system provided CDMs go.



                • Luke
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2013
                  • 1456

                  You could probably delete the blob file-or just pin Firefox

                  Originally posted by pouar View Post
                  I hope you can stop the DRM blob from loading in the sandbox so it doesn't even save to disk, load into memory, download, and/or even run as I don't want any DRM in my browser whatsoever sandboxed or not. I will patch and recompile Firefox myself if I have to.
                  First of all, including the blob directly would make Firefox non-free and kick it out of the default repos of many distros, so this would have to be in a separate package. It would prevent the release of Firefox under the GPL for sure, as the licenses would be incompatable. I expect to see the package show up in non-free repos alongside Adobe Flash.

                  Certainly I will not permit Adobe's CDM module in any machine I control, nor would I install any package that did bundle it with Firefox. I would take that package, un-tar it, delete the blob, make a new Debian package and install that. Real worst-case is Adobe gives Mozilla a license to allow compiling it in, then you would in fact have to compile Firefox from source. Surely that would cause one of the free-only distros like Trisquel to offer a Firefox package with the CDM module removed.

                  Mozilla is in an ugly position on this one: too many users refuse to give up DRM'ed content, now estimate at 30% of all web traffic by bit volume. Mozilla blames Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu for this, I have literally never seen a video or the websites of any of them. They are moving away from Flash and Silverlight, which support DRM, to HTML5 which does not by default. Mozilla's efforts to force Hollywood's greed pigs to abandon DRM have failed, and maybe Mozilla has concluded that those of us who don't watch TV or use paid content at all won't keep their browser afloat.

                  Those of us who do NOT want Hulu's Hollywood trash don't install Silverlight today and hopefully will have the option of not installing this blob anyway. BTW, if you use your browser in RAM as I do this plugin will fail: with the randomely generated "unique identifer" that will be sent to Hollywood's DRM servers stored locally only in RAM, it will go away at reboot and your DRM files will become unplayable unless you can crack them open by other means.


                  • Helios747
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2014
                    • 47

                    This is why I can't really hold conversations with other open source advocates.

                    Nobody seems to understand that businesses are there to make money, and they want to protect their money. That means they're -going- to use DRM, whether tech literates like it or not. Because for every tech literate, there is a thousand others who don't care about how it works, just that it works.

                    And lets say Firefox keeps a stand of not implementing HTML5 DRM, a couple things could happen.

                    One, people will just use a different browser that works, and be annoyed that firefox doesn't work. Mozilla wouldn't stand to profit if people did that.

                    Two, media distributors will simply not move to HTML5 based solutions if they feel that not having FF support will hurt them, which is a loss for Linux period with current DRM solutions. This one is more likely.

                    One has to understand, a business exists to make money, and that will never change. DRM free will unfortunately never be standard. I'll take a crappy HTML5 binary blob over Silverlight/flash. It'll be progress.


                    • jonnor
                      Phoronix Member
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 81

                      Originally posted by pouar View Post
                      I hope you can stop the DRM blob from loading in the sandbox so it doesn't even save to disk, load into memory, download, and/or even run as I don't want any DRM in my browser whatsoever sandboxed or not. I will patch and recompile Firefox myself if I have to.
                      To run the DRM blob you first need to manually download it, Mozilla will not ship it. So just say no when Hulu or some other DRMd service ask you to download it.

