Originally posted by rudregues
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GIMP Still Has Many Lofty Features To Develop
Ancurio, sadly this happens on almost software. Few people work, a bunch of people just act like vampires.
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It's kind of ironic and sad at the same time that GIMP has been downloaded literally millions of times, yet the amount of active developers is still just a handful. Also, 99% of users probably never even donated to it.
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Additional priority features are support for filter layers, script recording and playback, smart objects, layer effects, a unified transform tool, and better support for image metadata.
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My wish list:
a unified transform tool (yay it's comming), hope it has good preview!
script recording and playback
smart objects
filter layers
layer effects
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I'd rather see Inkscape 0.91 to finally see the light of day. :-) Version 0.48 was released August 23, 2010.
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There is mirror/symmetry painting feature being crowdfunded (860 $ missing):
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I just want a better transform tool. The current ones are so clunky and in some cases it's difficult to see what the result will be until you apply the transformation.
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GIMP Still Has Many Lofty Features To Develop
Phoronix: GIMP Still Has Many Lofty Features To Develop
For those that may have extra time this holiday season to devote to open-source tasks, the GIMP graphics program still has many features they're after and aren't yet up to their v2.10 release...
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