MonoDevelop vs. Xamarin Studio IDEs

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  • Guest

    Originally posted by ciplogic View Post
    I think you cut and paste and take any conclusion anyway.

    So Apple and MS are bad because they don't support Linux, so you have to embrace Novell and Xamarin as they supported Linux Desktop properly for a long long time (and they still do). Did I miss a meeting when I can see Novell Windows, instead of Novell Suse Linux.

    For a refresh: LLVM is mainly an Apple sponsored project. Still LLVM seems a good addition for Linux (and C based languages), and an open spec like C# doesn't seem to be good even is made to work great on Linux (like Mono does).

    Did I miss a meeting, do you think that aliens build the pyramids and also that Miguel wanted to make Linux a Microsoft project?
    No, strwaman. Xamarin doesn't support Linux, but tries to affect it with M$ patents and tech. Xamarin supports M$. Novel betrayed Linux in some part, but they're still far better than Xamarin, because Novell at least competes with M$ in enterprise. LLVM servers Linux well, but it's neither Apple's merit nor intention - it's a side effect. Like I said, it doesn't matter much in this case if something is open or not, but the thing that matters the most is what is the main support target. C# supports M$ and its Linux support that comes as a side effect of C# being, so called open spec is nothing compared to danger that it brings. Thus, Xamarin "supports" Linux to affect it with M$ tech, so in the end it supports M$.


    • Guest

      Originally posted by ciplogic View Post
      In fact they can! Patents are regardless of where the spec comes from! You can take GCC and you can make a GIMPLE (the internal language of GCC) to run on OpenCL, and yes, your implementation can be patent encumbered. A clean room implementation like Mono for example does not have issues with MS patents, but JavaScriptCore or WebKit can use some Apple patents (for example to work with automatic layout based on colons that are closer to the view of the phone). I hope you understand this.

      If Apple enforces these patents, you will not have a good browser experience on the future KDE Phone project (if it will ever exist). If you will use Mono, you may use the native browser on the phone and you will not have any issue as the issue does not lie in Mono's implementation.(Linux friendly Google may pay to Apple some money for this layouting in WebKit).
      You're making me even more sad, because you're comparing mono to webkit and thus your comment makes no sense. Write webkit equivalent in mono or make it run on OpenCL and you're comment is against you. Btw. what my native broweser will use? Some monokit?


      • Luke_Wolf
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2011
        • 2808

        Originally posted by ciplogic View Post
        The monodroid part (the old package) is not so actively developed (because is the wrapping part, that once done correctly you don't have to tune it over and over):
        Mono for Android Jar Bindings. Contribute to mono/monodroid-bindings development by creating an account on GitHub.

        The runtime is still the same:

        (there is nothing fancy in Android's port of Mono, look for user: spouliot that commits really often in MonoTouch or Mono for Android related fixes in the public repository)

        As for actively maintained, I think it isn't. In fact for Google's NaCl, Mono port is really not such of a port, but are instructions how to patch Mono source and to do a cross-compile. Who knows, maybe Xamarin will offer someday a Mono for NaCl
        well unfortunately it looks like the make file is broken, as it throws out an error about there being no rule to make "/src/Android.Support.V4.Content/CursorLoader.cs" which is needed by the bindings... so whatever, I'll stick to purely Qt for Android stuff for the time being then, and play around with C# for desktop applications and such...


        • Guest

          Originally posted by jayrulez View Post
          First, we would need a clear definition of "anti Linux companies".
          No, we don't need this. If you don't know which companies are anti Linux then get out.

          Does MONO serve MS or rather Linux?
          MS, because it brings MS tech which should be obvious. Why would MS pay Icaza to work on anti MS project that supports MS competition?

          Using Samba proliferates the use of MS APIs as much as Mono does.
          Wrong, strawman. When someone is using Samba he's forced to do so, because of MS.

          Mono does not come from MS or Apple either.
          It's c# that comes from MS. Furthermore, Icaza's MS jerk.

          Your statements are neither consistent nor coherent.
          Said the guy who don't has a clue.
          Last edited by Guest; 23 February 2013, 07:08 AM.


          • jayrulez
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2012
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            Originally posted by Pawlerson View Post
            No, we don't need this. If you don't know which companies are anti Linux then get out.

            MS, because it brings MS tech which should be obvious. Why would MS pay Icaza to work on anti MS project that supports MS competition?

            Wrong, strawman. When someone is using Samba he's forced to do so, because of MS.

            It's c# that comes from MS. Furthermore, Icaza's MS jerk.

            Said the guy who don't has a clue.

            You're an idiot. Idiots cannot be reasoned with. Hence, I won't be wasting my time by replying to you from here on.


            • directhex
              Senior Member
              • May 2012
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              Originally posted by Pawlerson View Post
              I don't care and this doesn't matter. They get more attention and credit mostly goes to M$. Why do you expect I'll support anti Linux competition? It's dumb stupid. I recommend you to go to M$ and tell them they should drop c# crap and use Qt.
              You're a moron.

              I mean, I'd love to give a more detailed response than that, but you're literally too stupid to reason with.

              Originally posted by Thomas Jefferson
              Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them


              • ciplogic
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2009
                • 409

                Originally posted by Pawlerson View Post
                You're making me even more sad, because you're comparing mono to webkit and thus your comment makes no sense. Write webkit equivalent in mono or make it run on OpenCL and you're comment is against you. Btw. what my native broweser will use? Some monokit?
                Seems that you're trolling. But it seems that you can agree that Apple can enforce patents (and they did it in the last 5 years against a Linux/Android for trivial patents in case of one company: HTC).

                So, what it happens if a company implements Mono.SIMD and this company will submit into Mono, and later it retract it or is patent encumbered. Will stop you using Mono!? In which way? But the difference is that if this company is Xamarin, I don't know a situation when Xamarin to attack with patents. But comparing with Apple, we know that Apple had a bad track record about patents.

                If your comment is about: which browser will be used on the phone? Safari (WebKit) on iOS, Chrome (or Mozilla's) on Android, WebKit or IExplore. Mono does not provide a browser control, but offers a way to embed it. Apple can block other browsers in iOS, but it cannot block (at least in current state) a compiled LLVM runtime. Kapish?

                A runtime (like Mono) is in risks of patents as WebKit is. But Mono is a clean-room implementation of an open specification, so practically, it has less risks compared with a majoritary browser toolkit (I talk here about WebKit) to be destroyed by a patent war. Yes, I am sure that some patents can disable minimal functionality in Mono if some companies will want to attack Mono, but many parts of Mono (the important ones) are as immune to patents as Java or .Net is.

                If WebKit will have a future clause that cannot be mixed with GPL projects supposedly, KDE will suffer much more than Mono projects will if Mono will have the same clause, and the reason is: .Net is open spec, and there are at least 2 implementations that support varies degrees of this specification: DotGNU and LLVM VmKit.

                In rest, what can I say, this is my last response to people that do make storm in a teapot, with no valid arguments, no clean-cut parlance, and a form of zealotism. I am curious for our own Linux/GPL or whatever kind of freedom you think you represent, to live to your values and to show that these make Linux worth while. Like: you may say: Vala offers C# features and a Banshee implemented in Vala will start faster, run better... and right after you will show your project that does this. Talkers are everywere... people that do the work are hard to find. And after you work with Vala, let's say for 3 hours a day, you will maybe see that it doesn't worth 4 years of your life to clone a project in it and get back to common sense.

                I need C# because my free time (and my working time too) is precious, I'm paid to deliver, and when I'm not paid, I want to deliever. Phylosophy and crazy people that believe that planets will align in December 21st will not my software work. So frankly: which solution do you consider is comparable in your development experience to MonoDevelop/C#?


                • Del_
                  Phoronix Premium Lifetime Member
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 190

                  Originally posted by ciplogic View Post
                  So frankly: which solution do you consider is comparable in your development experience to MonoDevelop/C#?
                  Qt, and if you don't need the performance or scale of a C++ project you can successfully do quick and dirty Qt+Python. I invest heavily in Qt, but do not dare to touch Mono. I have no disrespect for people who choose differently. I am grateful for the existence of Samba, Mono, NTFS-3G. When Miguel rejoiced by the hostile take over Microsoft did over Nokia (simply because it would force the world to embrace Silverlight), it made me sick to my stomach. If I misread the statements from Miguel at that time, then please correct me. Right now my thoughts and deepest sympathy goes out to the thousands of fins that lost their jobs because some investors wanted to secure their Microsoft stocks. Witnessing the ooxml tragedy play out in ISO made me want to cry. I really do appreciate the efforts from Calligra and LibreOffice in supporting ooxml though, deeply grateful. Xamarin leaving linux out in the cold for Android and IOS development, the very same platform that their existence was based on until quite recently. That makes me very very angry. Am I wrong in expecting a certain decency from a company?


                  • brosis
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 1171


                    are pro-MS trojan infection in this forum.
                    Dear freedom lovers, don't argue with people who have no brains, its similar to arguing with a black hole.
                    Instead do what you usually do - ignore them, their platform, their products and their owners.

                    * new on the list.

                    Del_, Pawlerson, you are great guys.


                    • ciplogic
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 409

                      Originally posted by Del_ View Post
                      Qt, and if you don't need the performance or scale of a C++ project you can successfully do quick and dirty Qt+Python. I invest heavily in Qt, but do not dare to touch Mono. I have no disrespect for people who choose differently. I am grateful for the existence of Samba, Mono, NTFS-3G. When Miguel rejoiced by the hostile take over Microsoft did over Nokia (simply because it would force the world to embrace Silverlight), it made me sick to my stomach. If I misread the statements from Miguel at that time, then please correct me. Right now my thoughts and deepest sympathy goes out to the thousands of fins that lost their jobs because some investors wanted to secure their Microsoft stocks. Witnessing the ooxml tragedy play out in ISO made me want to cry. I really do appreciate the efforts from Calligra and LibreOffice in supporting ooxml though, deeply grateful. Xamarin leaving linux out in the cold for Android and IOS development, the very same platform that their existence was based on until quite recently. That makes me very very angry. Am I wrong in expecting a certain decency from a company?
                      What Qt offers and Mono doesn't?
                      - if we talk about the runtime part, I can say that Mono offers more:
                      + GC: simply means that you write simpler algorithms and you don't look for reference counted cycles
                      + dynamic runtime with inline caching ( ),
                      + very easy to embed plugins (compare with the QtPlugin, or with dlopen/LoadLibrary mess),
                      + a very easy way to do network remoting, Xml processing, class & fied annotations that can work with reflection to automate configuration in complex systems
                      What Qt offers easily:
                      + C++ integration with foreign codebases (that are old ones)
                      + Two paradigms for controls: QWidget and Qml that are both working cross platform
                      + arguably a bit better performance
                      PyQt offers most of Mono (excluding the toolkit part) with a performance hit if you don't use PyPy and no static checking (meanining performance hit and bugs in typing).

                      So Mono can be a Python like experience with a close(r) to C++ performance and with the choice to pick either dynamic (for weird runtime stuff) or fast static typing.

                      There are two more parts we may argue about:
                      - Miguel's statements: I'm not a pro-Miguel (or anti-Miguel) and I think that Office part he may be wrong. Anyway, this doesn't nullify his contributions to Midnight Commander, Gnumeric, Gnome (1 & 2), Mono or Novell. I use LibreOffice and I think that ODF is a better format per-se as it was done in a public way and forced MS Office to support it out of the box
                      - Xamarin's policies: they support first the platforms that are paying money. In the same time though, they support Linux out of the box, and contributions in a generational GC are working both for phones (which are sensible on long GC pauses) and for desktops. As I'm an ex-Qt developer, I know that QtScript (which later was included as WebKit's JSC inside Qml) was a commercial product. (I talk for years 2005-2009). There were other integrations that Trollteck provide (like Visual Studio integration or QtJambi) that they were JUST for paid versions. How is one different for the other?

                      Qt was more expensive than Visual Studio for a long time (it was like 1000 dollars, the lowest end edition) when if you want a one platform in Xamarin case, you pay "just" 400 dollars.

                      So to sum it up:
                      - Mono offers things that are productive enough to be used in Linux
                      - Miguel statements are his ones, and some of them are certainly wrong
                      - Xamarin policies aligns with Digia, Nokia or TrollTech as good/evil
                      Last edited by ciplogic; 24 February 2013, 06:19 AM.

