Compiz Is Likely To Get The Boot From Fedora 17

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  • RealNC
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2008
    • 4247

    At the moment, Compiz is dead upstream. Bugs are not getting fixed and stability is not great. The lead developer (only developer that's left now?) blogged "I have failed":

    Maintaining compiz in a distro is a lot of work because of that. Dropping it seems the obvious choice.


    • Suzuran
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 34

      I wonder if we'll see Canonical take a more active role in Compiz development, or at least the parts they use for Unity. If they don't, they might have to port the thing back to Mutter, lol.


      • Teho
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2010
        • 594

        Originally posted by RealNC View Post
        At the moment, Compiz is dead upstream.
        It's not:


        • AdamW
          Red Hat
          • Nov 2007
          • 652

          Originally posted by Suzuran View Post
          I wonder if we'll see Canonical take a more active role in Compiz development, or at least the parts they use for Unity. If they don't, they might have to port the thing back to Mutter, lol.
          Canonical employs the lead Compiz developer.


          • not.sure
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2009
            • 421

            Ironically, compiz still seems to be more useful, more stable and more lightweight than kdewin or gnomewin. And apparently many people feel that way; IIRC in the last phorinx survey there were still more compiz users than kde users or gnome users.

            The ... oh WTH, lets call it 'develpment model' of compiz has of course a loooong history of being inconsistent to put it mildly.


            • allquixotic
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 1004

              Ubuntu is also trying to remove CCSM (compiz config settings manager) from Ubuntu, although of course they have to keep around compiz itself. Seems like all the distros are stripping away parts or all of compiz. Sad, but true. It used to be THE awesomest compositor, it was one of the first. But it seems to be quickly outdated by superior offerings such as kwin (nice job Martin Grasslin), and mutter (nice job GNOME folks).

              Also, MATE desktop won't last long. Cinnamon is everything that I wanted from Gnome2, but uses mutter afaik. Too awesome.


              • pingufunkybeat
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2009
                • 2921

                Ironically, compiz still seems to be more useful, more stable and more lightweight than kdewin or gnomewin
                It's faster and more stable, in my experience, at least compared to KWin.

                But it sucks as a window manager IMHO. It's the worst wm I've ever used, and I've used most. I need a window manager, not effects. KWin effects are actually more than enough for me and seem more professional and less in-your-face, but it's window management that makes the difference for me. When I switched back to KWin, all the minor annoyances with Compiz went away and using the computer was fun again -- the windows were doing what they should.

                IMHO, Compiz never grew out of the "shiny bling" phase and focussed on window management. Perhaps it has made strides in the last few years, though, I haven't followed it closely.


                • Teho
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 594

                  Originally posted by allquixotic View Post
                  Cinnamon is everything that I wanted from Gnome2, but uses mutter afaik
                  It uses Muffin, a fork of Mutter.

                  Originally posted by not.sure
                  IIRC in the last phorinx survey there were still more compiz users than kde users or gnome users.
                  You really have to distinguish window manager from desktop environment here. KDE, XFCE, LXDE and Gnome 2 are all window manager independent desktop environments and can easily use Compiz if so desired. Unity3D uses Compiz exclusively. So most Compiz users are also Gnome/KDE/Unity users; they are not mutually exclusive. Also the name of KDE's window manager is KWin and Gnome 3's Mutter. You could also use KWin with XFCE or Xfwm4 with KDE as they are not tied to single desktop environment either.


                  • bwat47
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2010
                    • 738

                    Originally posted by kokoko3k View Post
                    As far as i know even gentoo people dropped compiz ebuild from portage, too bad.
                    I'm currenctly using it alongside kde4.8 because it is still MUCH faster than kwin, expecially when it comes to firefox smooth scroll.
                    Hoping archlinux will continue to provide binaries...
                    Have you tried using just kwin in 4.8? I had ALWAYS had performance issues with kwin, but in 4.8 its smooth as butter all the way.


                    • StephanG
                      Junior Member
                      • Jul 2011
                      • 23


                      I have to admit that I also stopped using Compiz since I switched over to KDE 4. But, back in the KDE 3.5 days, I was really hooked on Compiz, playing around with it, trying to find the perfect balance between subtlety and in your face bling. Even though I don't use it anymore, it still feels like it would be the end of an era if Compiz was to die.

                      In my mind, Compiz will always be the original "Composited Desktop". They guys who opened our eyes to the possibilities...

