Originally posted by movieman
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A user wants to remove red eye from a photo, so they can:
1. Use an editor which is very technical and advanced (and thus very powerful) and would allow a user to change all red colors in a specified area to shades of other colors, but the program lacks a mode/tool to allow easy red eye removal.
2. Use an editor which is very "simple" but also very easy-to-use which comes with a red eye-removal mode/tool.
3. Use an all-encompassing editor which has both powerful nitty-gritty modes/tools as well as easier, more average-user-friendly modes/tools for doing specific simple tasks.
I think that accounts for a lot of the issues GIMP faces, and if the devs can figure out the nicest way in which to fulfill both needs within the same program, that would be amazing.
Of course, making both advanced as well as simple tools be as intuitive and easy-to-use as possible should still be sought after.
So, instead of saying how something can be done, what should be discussed is a comparison of the two or more ways of doing a particular task. Where is GIMP on this easy vs. hard scale? Any time another program comes in the lead, and anytime someone has an idea on how to make things even easier, it should be discussed so it can be eventually implemented by anyone who can program who has an interest.
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