GIMP 2.7.2 Arrives, But Still Far From Belated GIMP 2.8

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67360

    GIMP 2.7.2 Arrives, But Still Far From Belated GIMP 2.8

    Phoronix: GIMP 2.7.2 Arrives, But Still Far From Belated GIMP 2.8

    Blender isn't the only free software graphics application moving along (they just released their first stable 2.5 build), but work towards GIMP 2.8 is also moving along. Though in GIMP's case, the work has been moving along rather slowly. GIMP 2.8 was supposed to come last December and that deadline was clearly missed. At that point it looked like it was perhaps just a few months away, but only now is GIMP 2.7.2 even being released...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • ryanpg
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2008
    • 10

    If there's one project that ever deserved to be FORKED...

    The gimp needs to be forked. I've wondered for years, why a company with resources, doesn't adopt the gimp and re-spin it into something that can really compete with the other major graphic program.

    The developers of gimp, are;

    1) uninterested and unwilling to change the embarrassing and offensive name, and let's face it, there is something in a name and this is the worst name I've ever encountered in any "mainstream" software

    2) far to slow to bring basic features to reality. 16-bit - not there yet, and ICC profile support - took forever, are two examples

    3) unwilling to rework the UI in a way that meets the expectation of professionals

    Not only that, but the gimp is a HUGE project that requires HUGE resources. Corporate adoption would be able to provide better more consistent support. Anyway, it hasn't happened yet, and so it likely never will. Maybe if Ubuntu goes completely Rogue, they'll start to spin their own "unity"* version of gimp.

    Do I get bonus points for additional inciting subjects?


    • schmidtbag
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 6617

      Originally posted by ryanpg View Post
      The gimp needs to be forked. I've wondered for years, why a company with resources, doesn't adopt the gimp and re-spin it into something that can really compete with the other major graphic program.

      The developers of gimp, are;

      1) uninterested and unwilling to change the embarrassing and offensive name, and let's face it, there is something in a name and this is the worst name I've ever encountered in any "mainstream" software

      2) far to slow to bring basic features to reality. 16-bit - not there yet, and ICC profile support - took forever, are two examples

      3) unwilling to rework the UI in a way that meets the expectation of professionals

      Not only that, but the gimp is a HUGE project that requires HUGE resources. Corporate adoption would be able to provide better more consistent support. Anyway, it hasn't happened yet, and so it likely never will. Maybe if Ubuntu goes completely Rogue, they'll start to spin their own "unity"* version of gimp.

      Do I get bonus points for additional inciting subjects?
      1. i'm sure the developers didn't intend gimp to have the slang definition, otherwise the mascot would be some hairy naked man. the REAL definition of gimp is not offensive. also, taking offense to something is purely your choice. for example, i could call an african american a black person, and that person may be offended. but, what if someone was hatian? calling them african american would be an insult because that is an incorrect judgment. being offended by something that clearly does not intend to be offensive is 100% YOUR problem.

      2+3. i do agree, gimp should get some major support. although gimp has come a long way and i would consider it to be a good competitor, there are some things about it that just NEED dedication.

      i'm excited for the current changes that have been made to gimp.


      • madjr
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 583

        i think they should just release 2.8 now

        most people just want the new single window mode.

        then they can just start working in the other features and release when they want/can


        • Suzuran
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 34

          The only English definitions of "gimp" I am familiar with are the aforementioned sexual slang term and a synonym for "cripple." Neither is good for a serious piece of software.


          • Melcar
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2007
            • 1515

            I wonder why they didn't just call it "pimp", as in "I want to pimp out my pics".
            "this picture was gimped" just doesn't sound as cool. Well, it kind of does.


            • ryanpg
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2008
              • 10

              How wrong you are.

              Originally posted by schmidtbag View Post
              1. i'm sure the developers didn't intend gimp to have the slang definition, otherwise the mascot would be some hairy naked man. the REAL definition of gimp is not offensive. also, taking offense to something is purely your choice. for example, i could call an african american a black person, and that person may be offended. but, what if someone was hatian? calling them african american would be an insult because that is an incorrect judgment. being offended by something that clearly does not intend to be offensive is 100% YOUR problem.
              1) "i'm sure the developers didn't intend" - you're wrong. The current splash screen shows a dominatrix and the gimp mascot in a cage. And that's stupidly and unnecessarily offensive. Additionally, the pejorative term "gimp" was around long before the buggy, feature-lacking, and awkward graphics program was.

              2) "taking offense to something is purely your choice" - you're wrong again. Being offended is something that "happens." You don't "choose" your feelings. You DO choose how you respond to feelings. For example, you may choose not to use software that's stupidly and unnecessarily offensive in name.

              3) "being offended by something that clearly does not intend to be offensive is 100% YOUR problem" - you're wrong twice. Once wrong when you suggest the gimp developers are too stupid to know the word "gimp" is offensive, and twice wrong that it's my problem. I won't have a problem, I'll just choose Photoshop - along with 99% of the graphics professionals.

              In fact, the problem belongs 100% to the gimp developer and user. Because their software is knowingly, blatantly, stupidly, and unnecessarily offensive in name and in (the latest blatant, stupid, unnecessary splash screen) image, they should expect that many people will choose not to use it. Certainly, the gimp will never gain a foothold in education or professional graphics shops. As a bonus, the developers and users that defend the name will also look stupid, foolish and disrespectful.

              So yeah, except where you agree with me, your post is nonsense. I look forward to an even more nonsensical and wrong reply. Lol.


              • lopho
                Junior Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 20

                anyhow. how about you people stop bitching about something, and DO SOMETHING.
                if all you can do, is complain about a name, just fork it yourself, or go around advertise the gimp at a trade fair to find companies interested. but this shit you are pulling here is just dumb. Be thankful for the gimp, its there, its being developed, you dont have to pay for it, and its one of the only freaking foss that could be rivalling the photoshops.

                gimp ~ braid
                gimp ~ knurling / cord
                gimp ~ lacing
                gimp ~ cripple (dunno probably comes from the time when they looked like misformed braids/knots while weaving textiles)


                • lopho
                  Junior Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 20


                  anyways, where in the hell is there a caged "gimp" and a dominatrix to be seen? I've looked at all splash screens so far, and there hasnt been anything, even remotely similar, to what you described. i think this is fud.


                  • lopho
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 20

                    why, oh, why one minute.

                    ok i saw the dominatrix, i really dont get it, why, in earths name would they do this?
                    this must be some kind of mistake or something, as this is the first splash going this offensive. but seriously, apart from the theme of the splash, its quality is horrible, so i only hope, some kind of jokster got it somehow pulled in the build, as previous splashs were all relatively good quality.

