Originally posted by Anon'ym'
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COSMIC Alpha 5 Desktop Brings COSMIC Media Player As Default, VRR Updates
Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post
a video player is way higher on the list of priorities then a document reader.
as for an image viewer, why is cosmic-file's not enough? or is it that you want a full gallery app (too which I concur btw).
font management is done in two parts, one with cosmic-store to download fonts from the users repos with packagekit, and then you can set fonts in the settings. I would say that is "good enough" for a beta release. A dedicated application for dealing with fonts beyond this would be a way lower priority then a video player.
no system monitor + monitor applets for this I will point to cosmic-utils' https://github.com/cosmic-utils/observatory . It's in ok shape, rough around the edges, I don't think it will be included in any of the alphas, but i could see this being a beta application. As for applets, I don't think cosmic needs to concern itself with those. There are already a couple decent unofficial ones in cosmic-utils. Cosmic-store will have a method of filtering just "cosmic oriented apps" at some point if it doesn't already. but for now you can just search cosmic in the app and get a good idea.
as for a document reader, they have actually started working on a pdf viewer https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-reader but it is low priority seemingly, which is not really a surprise since it can be relatively difficult to do.
the main priority for a DE would be to cover the applications people are most likely to use. Things like an office suite are better suited for something else. so cosmic seems to be oriented in that direction and are doing a pretty good job thus far.
cosmic-reader will be a nice addition indeed, however I'd like it to support more than pdf at some point.
cosmic-monitor has to be a first party app, you don't leave core app up to third party hobby projects. Especially for a project that wants to redo everything from scratch for their professional customers.
I completely agree cosmic-player has its place in the core apps, I just think it should have been added after they complete other apps, that's it.
To me, cosmic will be sorta complete when they can ship pop-os without any gnome software crutches, when every core app is a cosmic-[clean name] app, with a consistent and polished workflow, carefully made and supported with love by s76 team.Last edited by rmfx; 10 January 2025, 03:43 PM.
Originally posted by rmfx View Post
If you view images on your system a lot, you want to keep multiple reference on screen, then looking at them in the cosmic-files is not an option... The cosmic files app is very uncomfortable to use for now, to browse images.
Originally posted by mmstick View PostI'm surprised anyone would think development has slowed. Sure, holiday vacations and early dark winter days may have taken a chunk out of this cycle, but development is moving at the same rate as before. We have the same number of staff working for the same number of hours. A lot of progress has been made behind the scenes, even if they're not always user-facing enough to talk about in a blog.
I guess if you're measuring progress by the rate of new applications and features announced, it may appear that way. But that's because we're almost finished. New features for Epoch 1 are no longer being considered as we work towards a feature freeze with Beta 1. Then only bug fixes and optimizations will be worked on until Epoch 1 is ready for release.
A video player is probably the easiest app to implement because it's based on the iced video player widget. It's just a matter of porting it to COSMIC. And there's no reason not to add a video player to the core lineup if it can be done. Every OS has a default system video player. Anything we don't implement can be supplemented with a third party app until Epoch 2.
That said, the community has already been assisting with the development of image viewers and system monitors, so these might be adopted at some point before or after Epoch 1 releases.
Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post
interesting that it didn't work the first time, I wonder if you were missing a plugin or something
Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post
A) When writing a DE, you want a player in the native toolkit. Every major DE has one. It is expected.
B) MPV is not directly usable in cross platform apps. Only when you have window embedding available which is a tough can of beans.
C) Not better then gstreamer. Gstreamer has way better support for arm and riscv devices for instance. ffmpeg/libmpv still can't even do hwdec on them without janky patches.
B) what nonsense are you even talking about? Everything is ok? I use MPV on Android. But in what place Cosmic is cross platform?
C) EVERYTHING better than gstreamer. I didn't use a single gstreamer based app that did not have stupid issues with it.
DEee) Righ now cosmic have 788 open issues on githab, is it REALLY so necessary to make another wraper around wrapper around gstreamer for what and why?
Originally posted by Anon'ym' View PostA) Why you want this? And are they developing toolkit? Ok. Adapt MPV then. Something that actually works and great.
B) what nonsense are you even talking about? Everything is ok? I use MPV on Android. But in what place Cosmic is cross platform?
C) EVERYTHING better than gstreamer. I didn't use a single gstreamer based app that did not have stupid issues with it.
DEee) Righ now cosmic have 788 open issues on githab, is it REALLY so necessary to make another wraper around wrapper around gstreamer for what and why?
Originally posted by Anon'ym' View PostDEee) Righ now cosmic have 788 open issues on githab, is it REALLY so necessary to make another wraper around wrapper around gstreamer for what and why?
There are many people working on COSMIC, and a COSMIC port of pre-existing gstreamer-based iced video player took virtually no time from any other developments. This is a poor excuse for a complaint about COSMIC successfully progressing forward.
Originally posted by Errinwright View Post
What are the chances that compositor becomes vulkan rendered? Nvidia is hoping the industry goes in this direction to better support various features (saw this from the 2024 x.org presentations).