Wine 10.0-rc4 Released With Another 13 Bugs Fixed

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67365

    Wine 10.0-rc4 Released With Another 13 Bugs Fixed

    Phoronix: Wine 10.0-rc4 Released With Another 13 Bugs Fixed

    In gearing up for the Wine 10.0 stable release that is likely to take place later in January, Wine 10.0-rc4 is out today as the newest test release to deliver the latest bug fixes...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • pinguinpc
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2009
    • 923

    This wine version in my case stay work with first 2025 mesa 25 oibaf driver (25.0~git2501010600.c21bc6~oibaf~n)

    However William Horvath patch dont be approved

    Adapted from check_invalid_gs in signal_i386.c. This prevents crashing when the %gs register is manipulated, such as in 32-bit code on "new-style" WoW64. "Exertus: Darkness...

    This patch allow run alice madness returns, bloodrayne 1 and bloodrayne 2 in new wow64​

    Last edited by pinguinpc; 04 January 2025, 01:29 PM.


    • zexelon
      Senior Member
      • May 2019
      • 760

      Okay... first hard thing done, gaming... now lets see MS Office and Autodesk Inventor, Revit and Solidworks please


      • theuserbl
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2020
        • 122

        Originally posted by zexelon View Post
        Okay... first hard thing done, gaming... now lets see MS Office and Autodesk Inventor, Revit and Solidworks please
        The problem is, that we have not a big player, like Valve is for games, for normal Desktop programs.
        Codeweavers is an other company, which works on WINE. But Valve payed Codeweavers to help to bring games to Linux with WINE.
        So a lot of Codeweavers developer working together with Valve. So also on the Codeweavers Webpage, they are proud, how much games are working on Linux and macOS. They also no longer mention MS Office and other desktop software.
        There are also smaller Windows-programs, which having problems on WINE/Linux. For example newer versions of, 64bit PowerShell >= 7.4 and so on.

        And money is part of the solution of the problem you mentioned.
        So, if you have some money left over, donate to WINE or buy a license of CrossOver from Codeweavers.

        Buy CrossOver Mac and CrossOver Linux through the CodeWeavers store. Choose from 12 month and lifetime license plans. Renewals are also available for purchase.

        Because the most and importants parts of CrossOver is every time published as OpenSource, too.
        The source code for the Wine components of CrossOver is freely available.

        And they contributing theire code to the Linux projects
        Everything we do at CodeWeavers revolves around the open source software. Thanks to our customers, we have been able to fund huge improvements in open source development.


        • Alexmitter
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2019
          • 1134

          Originally posted by theuserbl View Post

          The problem is, that we have not a big player, like Valve is for games, for normal Desktop programs.
          Codeweavers is an other company, which works on WINE. But Valve payed Codeweavers to help to bring games to Linux with WINE.
          So a lot of Codeweavers developer working together with Valve. So also on the Codeweavers Webpage, they are proud, how much games are working on Linux and macOS. They also no longer mention MS Office and other desktop software.
          There are also smaller Windows-programs, which having problems on WINE/Linux. For example newer versions of, 64bit PowerShell >= 7.4 and so on.

          And money is part of the solution of the problem you mentioned.
          So, if you have some money left over, donate to WINE or buy a license of CrossOver from Codeweavers.

          Buy CrossOver Mac and CrossOver Linux through the CodeWeavers store. Choose from 12 month and lifetime license plans. Renewals are also available for purchase.

          Because the most and importants parts of CrossOver is every time published as OpenSource, too.
          The source code for the Wine components of CrossOver is freely available.

          And they contributing theire code to the Linux projects

          This is absolutely true.
          But there are two opposing forces going on here. Windows software gets less and less dependent on pure Win32, which makes it more and more complicated to run it on Wine and at the same time less and less software really is without alternatives on Linux. Powershell for example, its ported.

          Half the trash Microsoft pumps out now is either a web app running in microsofts own electron, or some hybrid Win32/Common Object Model(The thing people call UWP) garbage which also does not run on Wine.


          • theuserbl
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2020
            • 122

            Originally posted by Alexmitter View Post
            Powershell for example, its ported.
            A Windows version of PowerShell would also be useful as a WINE cmd'exe alternative.
            This is how Get-ChildItem differs from the Unix version. *.exe and *.bat files are highlighted in color as executable files and the Unix executable attribute is ignored. And all other Windows attributes are also displayed there instead of the Unix attributes.
            So I think, a Windows binary of PowerShell is definitely useful on Linux.


            • blackiwid
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2008
              • 2058

              I started appreciating wine more after I got recently with a game some sort of crc error while the installer tried to unpack it tried a few other proton versions in lutris as default, nothing thought some error bits from downloading, but it turned out as soon as I set my runner to wine it suddenly worked just fine. And I had that problem in the past with other games.


              • zx2c4
                Phoronix Member
                • Jan 2009
                • 90

                Unfortunately, yabridge is still broken:

