LibreOffice 25.2 Alpha 1 Open-Source Office Suite Released

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  • ojsl1
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2023
    • 42

    Originally posted by ktecho View Post

    Is there any way to make it even display icons in Kubuntu 24.10?​ It's not only that it's ugly. It's unusable.
    Thats the GTK-QT duality for you right there, I fucking hate when that happens and it always makes me want to switch to a real OS.


    • ktecho
      Phoronix Member
      • Dec 2019
      • 76

      Originally posted by ojsl1 View Post
      Thats the GTK-QT duality for you right there, I fucking hate when that happens and it always makes me want to switch to a real OS.
      Duality? How can I choose one?


      • oiaohm
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2017
        • 8440

        Originally posted by ktecho View Post
        Duality? How can I choose one?
        I guess you are using Ubuntu package libreoffice. I use debian if I don't have libreoffice-qt5 package installed libreoffice falls back to gtk backend and gives me this trouble. This comes down to how your distribution/source has packaged libreoffice.


        • ktecho
          Phoronix Member
          • Dec 2019
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          Originally posted by oiaohm View Post

          I guess you are using Ubuntu package libreoffice. I use debian if I don't have libreoffice-qt5 package installed libreoffice falls back to gtk backend and gives me this trouble. This comes down to how your distribution/source has packaged libreoffice.
          Nah, it's installed:

          ii libreoffice-qt6

          Edit: Your message prompted me to search and I found this:

          rucu@trucu:~$ sudo nala install libreoffice-kf6
          ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ==========================================
          ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ==========================================
          Paquete: Versión: Tamaño:
          libreoffice-kf6 4:24.8.2-0ubuntu1 26 KB
          libreoffice-style-breeze 4:24.8.2-0ubuntu1 3.3 MB

          Now it still displays like shit, but at least I can see the icons, so thanks!!!



          • Landway12
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2024
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            Originally posted by Lionel View Post
            I am retired now but in In 2018 I wrote in the thread " Changes Begin Building Up For LibreOffice 6.1"
            " 01 April 2018, 12:27 AM
            I would like a real tool for data analysis...
            Today 6.0 pivot table module in Calc is incredibly inferior to the Excel 2000 version I use at work."
            Yes, totally agree, LibreOffice is worse than MS Office from the 90s. it is roughly 40 years behind, and at this pace, it looks almost like a dead project.

            Originally posted by [B
            Calc is very basic compared to what an advanced user does with Excel, and that I am missing the larger picture, I do not work in Finance or with Scientific stuff. Office app usage is a comparatively small part of what I do daily.

            I'm not saying this in particular regarding you yourself, but most of the complains I observe people have with complex software are generally that they are trying to work in one particular way with one particular program rather than trying to find a way to solve a problem/task.​
            All departments: Manufacturing/Production, Regulatory, Quality, Human Resource, Sales etc. uses MS Excel to first list/sort, then to create/follow KPIs. Manufacturing/Production, Finance and R&D also uses it for complex analysis. Pivot Tables and Tables functionality is in my experience used by maybe a third. Same with charts.

            I do not agree that it is depending on how the user uses the software, since it is the software's responsibility to guide the user.


            • oiaohm
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2017
              • 8440

              Originally posted by Lionel View Post
              I am retired now but in In 2018 I wrote in the thread " Changes Begin Building Up For LibreOffice 6.1"
              " 01 April 2018, 12:27 AM
              I would like a real tool for data analysis...
              Today 6.0 pivot table module in Calc is incredibly inferior to the Excel 2000 version I use at work."​
              Are you sure.

              Use clean, tabular data for best results.
              Make sure all columns have headers, with a single row of unique, non-blank labels for each column. Avoid double rows of headers or merged cells.
              The following

              Absolutely does not look like a table you use in Excel to make a Pivot Table in any version but that is a valid Calc one. This is where things start going south when a perosn like me working in Libreoffice Calc share data with Excel user. We using Calc can use different formatting that makes the document human readable when printed and still pull a pivot table out of it.

              At home I have Excel 2003, and have been working on a pivot table. The table counts data from a spreadsheet..(not to hard). On excel 2003, on the drop down box in the table I can tell the table not to count blanks and 0's. When I try to do this in Excel 2000,( which is what I have in the...

              Yes Calc pivot table module absolutely is superior to the 2000 and 2003 MS Office ones just in the number of items that can be processed into a piviot table alone..

              Its really simple to have rose color glasses when comparing just using memory not putting the two programs side by side and going feature to feature. These differences are even true in the 6.1 LibreOffice.

              Notice the feature called drilling on the Calc side. Lot of cases it not that libreoffice cannot do something but its a different work flow to get same or close to the same result. Close to the same is like how Libreoffice calc to connect macro to cell it expecting you to use form items this makes sense particularly with high security default on Macros meaning that Macros have higher risk of being non functional due to security.

              Lionel; the question required to change something is what is missing? Saying inferior does not answer that question. Without question libreoffice Calc piviot table is superior to Excel 2000 in some areas. There might be others with weaknesses.


              • oiaohm
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2017
                • 8440

                Originally posted by Landway12 View Post
                Yes, totally agree, LibreOffice is worse than MS Office from the 90s. it is roughly 40 years behind, and at this pace, it looks almost like a dead project.
                Absolutely false. I switched to Staroffice in the 90s because MS Word 97 kept on crashing on me as I did documents with lots of images due to image count limits. There are a stack of limits in those old MS Office products that Staroffice that openoffice and libreoffice are descendants of never had.

                To get past most of those limit issues you have to be at least MS Office 2007/2008.


                • Estranged1906
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2022
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                  Originally posted by pharmasolin View Post
                  I do some basic stuff with csv, edit some docx and libre office does it's job pretty good for me​​​​​
                  Well, for starters it would be nice if it had even basic compatibility with excel spreadsheets....


                  • oiaohm
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2017
                    • 8440

                    Originally posted by Estranged1906 View Post
                    Well, for starters it would be nice if it had even basic compatibility with excel spreadsheets....
                    There is stuff in that table that not 100 percent right for Libreoffice but to know the corrent answer you have to know libreoffice workflow.

                    Yes part VBA support exists for excel VBA in Libreoffice its disabled by default.

                    That writeup you have basically Libreoffice as best of a bad bunch when it comes to excel compatibility.

                    Of course that only compared current version of excel. There are functions that have been removed as well.

                    There are items that are libreoffice general keyboard short cut differences.

                    Alt + Enter for line break in formula and text​
                    Libreoffice default every where for this shift + enter and most annoying this does not appear in customize keyboard short cuts as something assigned that you can change. So as a long term Libreoffice user I come across to Excel press shift enter and get annoyed that this is not working until my brain catches up and goes bugger I am using excel.

                    Yes shift+Enter is one of the most overloaded keys with features in LibreOffice.

                    fill right does exist in libreoffice Ctrl+R is not assigned to it and can be assigned.

                    Shift + F9 to recalculate workbook/sheet​ that in Libreoffice is Ctrl+Shift+F9 Data > Calculate > Recalculate Hard.​ Yes it possible to change this to shift+F9

                    Alt + = for quick sum​
                    This I I don't get its not called quicksum in MS office it autosum and Libreoffice Calc autosum is connected to the same shortcut yet it marked as not supported.

                    Use Alt key to navigate the user interface using the keyboard*​
                    This is a cursed item. Libreoffice you can keyboard navigate by the menubar out the box. Yes tab toolbar mode when it hides the menubar it goes and screws you over because it not setup. Yes you can go and manually assign all short cuts to the to the tabs and have tab toolbar work like excel but then you have broken the menubar because you have disconnect it short cuts.

                    So really the only two in my eyes that does not work at all "Ctrl + Shift + V to paste values​" and the "alt+enter/shift+enter for inserting returns" in short cuts. First one matching point to assign a shortcut to in Libreoffice and the second one is a hard coded locked option in libreoffice. Nice if both got assignable options.

                    In short cuts if you are willing todo the effort you can get libreoffice quite close to excel. Most annoying is there is a apply keybinding thing in tools options libreoffice-calc compatibility with only 2 options default and openoffice legacy. Yes it possible for a LibreOffice extensions to add to that list so there could be a excel keyboard short cut configure or a tabbed toolbar config. Also in tools->customize you can save and load configurations. So yes someone could customized LibreOffice close to excel in short cuts and provide a configuration file for end users to use.

                    Notice in the above link. GCD_EXCEL2003 and others like it appear in Libreoffice and no where else. There are a set of Functions Microsoft changed at MS Office 2007/2008. Opening up a old excel 2003 document on new MS Office and it uses one of these changed functions be ready for your results to be messed up.

                    That cartoon about a banker created a document in 2003 and is now dead at the top of the page you referenced that can be reason why you are using Libreoffice because its the only modern office suite that stands a chance of running it correctly. Yes the other option its spin up virtual machine and install old version of Windows and old version of MS Office if you have them. Libreoffice is your best friend if you have to start digging around in document archives. Kind of make sense thinking a good block of libreoffice development is funded by national archives.

                    There are things that are workflow. Like calc you have to tell it to ignore stuff there are ways to tell it to ignore like #N/A​ and the like. Here is a fun one you have a reason to treat #N/A as a value now excel fights with you. The LibreOffice stuff is not without reason why it the way it with some of this stuff. Document compadiblity options would be great for some of these things.


                    • Estranged1906
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2022
                      • 302

                      Originally posted by oiaohm View Post
                      There is stuff in that table that not 100 percent right for Libreoffice but to know the corrent answer you have to know libreoffice workflow.
                      Interesting writeup, thank you for that. I'll email it to the author to have that comparison corrected.

                      By the way, in Customize -> Keyboard, you can only set the predefined shortcut combinations right? There's no way to actually recreate these "sequential" Alt shortcuts that Excel does like Alt -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E, right?

