Wine 9.22 Enables Wayland Driver By Default

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  • oiaohm
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 8490

    Originally posted by avis View Post
    A bug? How can you enable a feature which is outside the scope of the Wayland protocol? Wine developers have clearly said dragging WinAMP by its title will not work under Wayland. And that's not the only Windows/Xorg feature that will be missing. Global shortcuts support for Windows/Wine applications? Again, will not work.
    avis global short cuts done the old way under X11 can end up with too many applications processing the input path result in major input the point you get like the following stupidity.
    Calc stops responding to keyboard, only mouse. Happened 3 times within 2 days. Keyboard works fine in other apps, and works after restarting calc. I looked for a modal dialog box, but did not see one. I assume a modal box would block mouse input, but mouse input works. Version: Build ID: 00(Build:2) CPU threads: 8; OS: Linux 5.7; UI render: default; VCL: x11 Locale: en-GB (en_GB.UTF-8); UI: en-US Debian package version: 1:7.0.4-3+gl0 Calc: threaded OS: Debian (rolling testing ...

    Global shortcuts on (most) linux systems seem to get as straightforward as macos and windows. This is a thing., Fedora, Flatpak is behind it and probably most platforms already impl...

    Yes the use the xdg desktop portal for this helps X11 as well. It common for input issues with Wayland to be in fact that Wayland makes existing problem just worse. So you got from intermittent problem under X11 to always not working under Wayland. Yes the way global shortcuts are implemented under X11 breaking the input system is a X11 problem. Wayland no global short cuts we have fix that problem with a sledge hammer. So we need xdg desktop portal to move back to a even solution. Yes you have a single service with all the global shortcuts to check for so avoiding overloading the input stack attempting to process global shortcuts with the xdg desktop portal solution.

    So yes I would like Wine to pick up xdg desktop portal global short cuts and make it so even under X11 when it does not have focus do not listen to input so not to break X11.

    WinAMP drag is kind of annoying. You will find it works with virtual desktop under Wayland. This is because WinAMP is absolute moving it window and if you tell that the top conner of it window is 0.0 it will not move to negative or ask to move to negative so a particular trick does not work. Fun when you setup monitors under windows with a screen with negative position(yes it allowed under windows) and then watch the number applications that refuse to move when you do this. This issue is bug in the WinAMP code base as well. There are a lot of windows applications with this bug. Due to this being the case I am kind of likely to virtual desktop them because you cannot end up with negative positions in there.


    • ilgazcl
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2022
      • 18

      Originally posted by TheMightyBuzzard View Post

      I haven't moved to Wayland myself yet. Partially for all the reasons mentioned here so far but also because there is zero reason for me to. It offers me nothing since I don't code GUI things very often and it doesn't offer anything whatsoever to anyone who isn't a GUI coder. I mean, I'm glad there are folks out there to do the beta testing. I'm also extremely glad I don't feel obliged to be one any more.
      It is not a bad thing or carry false promises. I know, since you can easily see what happens when you enable Wayland on an nvidia 9400 (w/nouveau) and core duo 2 Macbook 5.1. Things run smoother and more responsive. The problem begins once you live a problem and interact with the community. There is always someone popping up "throw it away", "it is old", "how can you use it?". On the other hand, people with 10000x the credentials they have who works at IBM/Redhat even spare their weekend to help you.

