GIMP 3.2 Will Aim To Be Out Within One Year Of GIMP 3.0

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  • Quackdoc
    I just hope it has a fully colormanaged pipeline

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  • fintux
    Originally posted by uid313 View Post
    I hope they can soon get to GTK 4.
    It is kind of funny that GTK originally came from GIMP (the name stands for GIMP ToolKit), and now they are lagging behind it so far. Though on the naming in more general, the G in GIMP comes from GNU and in it in turn comes from GNU's Not Unix, which is a recursive acronym. So actually the G in GTK comes two hops from a recursive acronym.

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  • pWe00Iri3e7Z9lHOX2Qx
    Originally posted by jaypatelani View Post
    They should move to qt and embrace kde
    While that would be interesting from a cross platform standpoint with QT being strong in that regard, porting an almost entirely C code project like GIMP to a primarily C++ focused toolkit doesn't sound like an amazing use of anyone's time.

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  • ElectricPrism
    Interface Toolkits aside, IDGAF as long as the image transformations and engine is separate. And it seems like that's exactly what's done as GEGL can be scripted. So you want a Qt Interface? Start making patches, have at it. I'm sure a lot of people would love a Raster Qt tool.

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  • jaypatelani
    They should move to qt and embrace kde

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  • You-
    Originally posted by uid313 View Post
    I hope they can soon get to GTK 4.
    I dont think this will be as much of a problem.

    or gimp 3, they had to do a "double" gtk version upgrade (going from gtk2 to early gtk3 and then the later gtk3). They also had to migrate away from other deprecated and abandoned dependencies such as python 2.x and they also cleaned up code and structures that were already quite dated. Then there was the X11 to Wayland migration at the same time. Finally, the updating of the underlying code to support colours outside srgb was also completed. A lot of debt problems are now solved.

    Updating to gtk4, when they are ready, will likely be a way smaller task. If they choose to keep using deprecated widgets, like the treeview, they could even port to gtk4 first and then move away from that later on (before gtk5).

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  • uid313
    I hope they can soon get to GTK 4.

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  • ElectricPrism
    I think they should consider taking a page from Gnome, Firefox, Thunderbird or WINE and once 3.0 is released consider either

    1. Automatic version bump at the beginning of each solar year (Eg: WINE will 10.0 in January)

    2. Periodic major version bump with fewer improvements.

    This will

    1. Improve their image

    2. Get new features into the hands of users.

    3. Increase collaboration with users and developers triaging bugs as features are being introduced instead of years later after developers have moved on to other tasks.

    4. Increase the advertising, hype, synergy and encourage more donations and contributions. People do want to get involved, but it is helpful when they can see that their involvement is translating in material incremental milestones which they can benefit from.

    I think the pace will start to pick up and they will experience the dawn of a new era very soon as people discover that their tooling is actually pretty good.

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  • waxhead
    Yet another version skipper...

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  • jacob
    Smaller releases with fewer changes between each are the way to go.

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