GNOME Foundation Announces Cost Cutting Measures Due To Budget Woes

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  • fitzie
    Senior Member
    • May 2012
    • 672

    Originally posted by reba View Post

    Okay, now, I wonder - is this some kind of false flag operation to discredit people from the "progressive left"? Because it sounds to me like that as I read your posts coming over with a special kind of attitude that seems to me not being focused on discussion, explaining and creating awareness and more as totalistic and intolerant anger-fuelled, not interested in progression and multiple-view oriented way and more in a intolerant, leftist conservative way, disregarding other peoples opinions and views, not interested in dialogue.
    I think that most of the people spouting progressive slogans are the same people spouting the reactionary stuff. it's not really a false flag, when it's just a trolling op. i try to treat people at face value, but when they litter their language with absurd inflammatory statements it's kinda hard to take them seriously. I mean this isn't slashdot from 20+ years ago were people were falling for trolls all the time, moderate people even with strong opinions one way or the other, can see through this pretty easily. i know that there's a reactionary movement in gamer community that absolutely on top of this godot thing, and i thinks it's entirely possible that they set off the alarms a bit too fast, but when the righteous saviors comes in (trolls or true believers), that pretty much seals the deal on the way forward.


    • Citan
      Senior Member
      • May 2014
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      Originally posted by mdedetrich View Post

      This has been shown false in so many studies, you have no clue what yuo are talking about.
      You're welcome to share them then, to better the knowledge and understanding of anyone curious (there is at least me ).


      • mdedetrich
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2019
        • 2540

        Originally posted by Citan View Post

        You're welcome to share them then, to better the knowledge and understanding of anyone curious (there is at least me ).

        Here is one for example, but honestly with some basic googling you can find so much literature on this.

        There is another example of a study where they just sent out various applications to specific job postings and just by having a more western/white/christian name the chances of getting noticed was significantly higher vs having a more minority name, even though the qualifications of all of the applications were exactly the same.

        People are inheritly very biased, metiocracy in general doesn't exist or if it does its extremely shallow.


        • lyamc
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2020
          • 526

          Originally posted by mdedetrich View Post
          People are inheritly very biased, metiocracy in general doesn't exist or if it does its extremely shallow.
          Be a hiring manager and find out how quickly Goodhart's Law applies to what you call meritocracy.

          People apply with all the right credentials and qualifications
          They nail all the answers in the interview.
          They are hired.
          They are terrible.

          How? There are other factors besides credentials and qualifications that can determine a good choice.


          • Panix
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2007
            • 1555

            Originally posted by EspadaV8 View Post

            I wouldn't trust Lunduke if he told me the sky was blue, and I definitely won't be blessing his site with a view.

            I'm taking a shot in the dark here, but I'm guessing you definition of "toxic political extremism" is probably something to do with trying to reach out to under represented groups? In which case, I also hope it does some good and they continue to invest in those areas.
            The fact your 'take' got so many 'likes' just shows there are a number of brainwashed minions out there that are as clueless as the Gnome Foundation - an organization that put priority of politics and pretentious attitudes (who the heck signed off on hiring a shaman woman?) over tech/promoting the DE and finances (which turned a surplus into losing $$ requiring layoffs).


            • Panix
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2007
              • 1555

              Originally posted by mos87 View Post
              When the next time you wonder why the heck is gnome SHELL still an unusable mess defective by design, just read this

              LMAO it's so typical for our friend a few posts before to be so (in their own lingo) "passive aggressive" towards plain, skeptical, and honest reporting. Because all of their mind boggling hypocrisy is easily debunked in a few (hundred) words. The world of (neo-)marxist entitled "philosophers" is truly a backwards one.
              I noticed there's a lot of animosity towards that Youtuber/blogger - but, I never did find out why or where it's coming from. I supposed they are just indoctrinated left-wing crazies.


              • Panix
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2007
                • 1555

                Originally posted by Sonadow View Post
                Good first step in trimming the glut. Conferences and events have zero purposes for such projects outside of being money holes and free vacations.

                The Gnome Foundation really only needs an administrative, finance and legal team to manage and advise the Gnome Project. Everything else is unnecessary.
                That probably would require cutting a lot more ppl though?


                • Panix
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 1555

                  Originally posted by rafanelli View Post
                  I thought they hired a witch who'd meet all funding goals by doing some rituals with carefully places crystals? Sad that did not work for them, who saw that coming...

                  I read this in this thread:

                  > Also KDE benefits heavily by Qt Company

                  The whole reason for GNOME's existence is that they did not want to use Qt (license issues that was being resolved). So they took Gimp's internal toolkit (hence GTK) and build a desktop on that. Last time I checked Gimp was actually bringing in donation money that was redistributed to other aspects of GNOME's development. So we can all see how that "amazing collaboration" works out for Gimp.

                  And all of this while RedHat/IBM is the patron. Wow.
                  She didn't sell enough crystals....or they had the wrong extensions and themes?


                  • Pirunvirsi
                    Junior Member
                    • Oct 2020
                    • 16

                    Originally posted by Panix View Post
                    The fact your 'take' got so many 'likes' just shows there are a number of brainwashed minions out there that are as clueless as the Gnome Foundation - an organization that put priority of politics and pretentious attitudes (who the heck signed off on hiring a shaman woman?) over tech/promoting the DE and finances (which turned a surplus into losing $$ requiring layoffs).
                    Guess what, Espada's take is also completely correct.

                    From taking just a short glance at Lunduke's content, you can deduct that he pretty much built an entire career out of feeding his audience complete manipulative garbage on a regular basis, and they happily gobble it up and thank him on their knees for it.

                    And just like that, yet another anti-woke brainrot pipeline got added to my filter list. Miss me with that high school-tier drama bait shit. Too bad I can’t say the same for others, but well, guess the grift can’t go on by itself.
                    Last edited by Pirunvirsi; 09 October 2024, 03:54 PM.


                    • Quackdoc
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2020
                      • 5077

                      Originally posted by Panix View Post
                      I noticed there's a lot of animosity towards that Youtuber/blogger - but, I never did find out why or where it's coming from. I supposed they are just indoctrinated left-wing crazies.
                      He presents information in a typically very bias way, I personlly don't have too much issues with him, everyone needs a job, but it is what it is.

