So, it will look like crap, but it will run (without issues) on Windows.
Zrythm Digital Audio Workstation Abandoning GTK For Qt6
Originally posted by anarki2 View Post
firefox uses XUL for the most part, GTK is only for like the main window. And yes, the libreoffice ui also sucks hard.
Good for Zrythm for ditching GTK. It's getting much worse as a generic toolkit for apps and becoming more of a library for drawing just the GNOME's interface. And it sucks more then ever. Even regular GTK 4 apps are somehow hard to get to render properly outside of GNOME (on KDE and the likes) and it continues to get worse going forward.
Originally posted by bple2137 View Post
If it's "only" the main window, then why is it so hard to switch it to other toolkit or even port to newer version of GTK and there are hundreds of calls to GTK libraries in their codebase?
Good for Zrythm for ditching GTK. It's getting much worse as a generic toolkit for apps and becoming more of a library for drawing just the GNOME's interface. And it sucks more then ever. Even regular GTK 4 apps are somehow hard to get to render properly outside of GNOME (on KDE and the likes) and it continues to get worse going forward.
Originally posted by anarki2 View Post
firefox uses XUL for the most part, GTK is only for like the main window. And yes, the libreoffice ui also sucks hard.
Originally posted by Daktyl198 View Post
Didn't Firefox remove XUL years ago because it's renderer and parser were hot garbage and nobody knew how they worked enough to fix bugs? AFAIK, all XUL files were purged from mozilla-central as of 2019. They utilize HTML now iirc. That being said, Firefox uses GTK for more than just opening a window. They utilize it for pretty much all system interactions on Linux (interacting with files is a big one, but also things like notifications).