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NetworkManager 1.50 Released - Now Ensures Offensive Terms Don't Appear In Settings

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  • #11
    I feel like this is something companies do not because it's something actual users want, but because it's a really easy way to shine a "good light" on them in the eyes of the investors... lol

    Edit: NOTE that I do support the woke movement and I can pretty much guarantee you that NOBODY sane out there would ever care about something like that.
    Last edited by tuxifan; 03 October 2024, 09:14 AM.


    • #12
      This sounds like a security issue to me. I would never name an access point with an offensive name but if I did, I'd expect my system to show it to me and not censor it in any way.


      • #13
        Kudos to NetworkManager for literally ending racism and slavery with this masterstroke!


        • #14
          So words deemed outdated have been added to the NetworkManager source code to prevent using outdated words.

          Someone make it make sense.


          • #15
            Originally posted by billyswong View Post

            They silence all words that describe abuses, so that people may no longer point out injustice in clear wordings in future. George Orwell has told us so in 1984. Welcome the newspeak era.
            I thought it was the opposite, preserving the meaning of abuse so it can be pointed out and discussed, and "taking the word out" of topics that are completely unrelated...


            • #16
              Nice to see the forum exploding, because NetworkManager does not write master or slave as key in their key value pair files anymore. If you take a look at the actual patch its just checking for like 4 different strings and will not write them into the file. Its not like an engineering team spend weeks figuring it out. Me personally I really don't care.
              This also happens in the kernel from time to time. If they find some equivalent terms yeah go for it. In the kernel the dsa_master and dsa_slave were renamed to dsa_conduit and dsa_user, which for me as non native speaker did take some time getting used to.


              • #17
                Only the English language has the power to offend it seems.


                • #18
                  Just some old settings (with master, slave and blacklist in names) that were formerly renamed. No censorship for network names nor passwords (yet).
                  Because you know, some people like to take some words literally, even when the meaning is completely different.


                  • #19
                    Even on my laptop I don't use network manager since I am proficient enough with the IWD console to connect to Wifi that way.

                    I definitely don't want to use it now since being woke is more important to them than being competent.


                    • #20
                      Amazing! Why 1.50 though? That deserves 2.0.

