FFmpeg Adds Support For Animated JPEG-XL

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  • skeevy420
    Originally posted by cl333r View Post
    I have something that looks like a rose [1] but probably isn't, grows well in semi-shade, though I'm most excited about the "other" flowers.

    PS: If you're into (regular/legal) flowers I'd suggest trying adding once charcoal powder (search for the word "biochar") when watering or till it in around its roots and next year you might have more pronounced colors because that's what I read wood charcoal does to flowers.

    [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEk3OkuEIyw
    I started gardening last year, moved to in-ground this year after impulse buying that rose, and I had been using some Scott's water soluble plant food. While the Scott's was working well enough, at the recommendation of where I bought my roses from, I've recently switched to fish fertilizer (stinky stuff) and it's working really, really well. After reading about biochar, I'll might pick up some at the start of next season when I mulch and initially fertilize everything. It's not good to fertilize at the end of the season (promotes growth when they should be shutting down for winter) and I've fertilized plenty enough this year that I don't want to risk root burn. All that's left to do this year is the monthly fish dose until maybe October 1 at the latest.

    I was never into gardening, but last summer I bought my mom some zone 8-10 perennials at Lowe's and we live in zone 7b. She's disabled and looking at the flowers outside of the windows is her getting some nature. After wintering 5 plants and saving them all* I got a bit of a gardening bug. Bought the above rose as an impulse buy and I've since planted 7 more roses (they look like twigs sticking out of dirt), 5 azaleas (that lost their flowers after transplanting...the leaves look fabulous), 5 lilies, and some coleus and pansies in a low light box. I also bought 8 more nearly dead roses from the clearance rack at Kroger and they're on the verge of blooming. I'll have a nice setup next year once everything starts growing and is in bloom for an entire season.

    Nice garden. I have family that grows the other kinds of flower both legally and illegally in an indoor setup.

    I'm laughing so hard at "the corn didn't grow because of the cats".

    If you want some long-term camouflage, there are a lot of rose varieties that grow over 2m tall, 1m wide, and survive the winter in your zone. The downside is that they look damn pretty so they risk attracting eyes.

    For the one that's growing too fast and you don't know what to do, buy some Hormex Private Messages and clone that sucker. I'm experimenting with Hormex Number 8 and some begonias.
    Last edited by skeevy420; 10 June 2023, 01:40 PM. Reason: #8 to Number 8

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  • cl333r
    Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post
    Since today is a watering day:

    The rose in the photo above is now the petals on the ground in the lower right of the plant.

    For some lulz: This was advertised at Lowe's as a Double Knockout Red. I consider it neon pink.
    I have something that looks like a rose [1] but probably isn't, grows well in semi-shade, though I'm most excited about the "other" flowers.

    PS: If you're into (regular/legal) flowers I'd suggest trying adding once charcoal powder (search for the word "biochar") when watering or till it in around its roots and next year you might have more pronounced colors because that's what I read wood charcoal does to flowers.

    [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEk3OkuEIyw
    Last edited by cl333r; 10 June 2023, 11:24 AM.

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  • skeevy420
    Since today is a watering day:

    The rose in the photo above is now the petals on the ground in the lower right of the plant.

    For some lulz: This was advertised at Lowe's as a Double Knockout Red. I consider it neon pink.

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  • skeevy420
    Originally posted by cl333r View Post
    My bad, I actually agreed, it wasn't a snarky comment or smth, probably because sometimes I'm translating in my mind to English literally.
    I.e. I recently learned that the answer "I'm OK" means "No" when someone makes some proposal, in the past I thought it means "Yes" probably because I thought it's short for "I'm OK with that".

    My worst experience in this regard was like 25 years ago when I thought for some reason that "awe", "owe" and "own" mean the same (still seem very odd to me btw), so, a friend-of-a-friend girl wrote me via email some info I asked for and I thanked her in my reply smth. like "thanks, now I own you" (I meant owe obviously, we wrote in English because that's the tradition when you're a foreign languages student) and I wondered why she never replied back. A few years later when I accidentally figured out the difference I smiled at how I appeared a control creep to her. Anyway.
    LOL. English is a funny language like that. It doesn't help that a lot of English-native speakers speak in irony and opposites. Good means bad, "well that's nice" means it isn't nice at all, sure means "whatever ".

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  • cl333r
    Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post

    I'm just saying that by the time the patent expires the world has usually moved on to something else.
    My bad, I actually agreed, it wasn't a snarky comment or smth, probably because sometimes I'm translating in my mind to English literally.
    I.e. I recently learned that the answer "I'm OK" means "No" when someone makes some proposal, in the past I thought it means "Yes" probably because I thought it's short for "I'm OK with that".

    My worst experience in this regard was like 25 years ago when I thought for some reason that "awe", "owe" and "own" mean the same (still seem very odd to me btw), so, a friend-of-a-friend girl wrote me via email some info I asked for and I thanked her in my reply smth. like "thanks, now I own you" (I meant owe obviously, we wrote in English because that's the tradition when you're a foreign languages student) and I wondered why she never replied back. A few years later when I accidentally figured out the difference I smiled at how I appeared a control creep to her. Anyway.

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  • skeevy420
    Originally posted by cl333r View Post
    I'm just saying that by the time the patent expires the world has usually moved on to something else.

    To me it's realizing Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates are gone, Steve Jobs is gone gone, a long time ago... while I'm regularly figuring out my hemorrhoids and don't feel any excitement about new versions of Windows or Mac, though on the bright side this year I'll grow the best c@nnabis ever (the fact that it's not legal adds some thrill).
    It's not cannabis, but it is the first bud I've ever grown (after a rain storm wrecked all the original buds a few weeks ago). It popped up on June 2nd.

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  • cl333r
    Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post

    It is, but that's multiple lifetimes for computers and software. Most products, operating systems, whatever will have multiple iterations in a 20 year period.

    20 years ago was the PS2, Xbox, and Gameboy Advance era. Red Hat became Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Fedora was born. Arch had only existed for a year. BTW, I didn't use Arch back then. Debian and Slackware turned 10. Ubuntu won't exist for another year. macOS was still called OSX and the iMac was discontinued. Windows XP was a few months into SP1 and became the rose-colored glasses edition that everyone remembers so fondly.

    Now we're on the PS5, Switch, and Xbox OneAPI and they're working on the next versions of them all. 8 years ago Microsoft released their last ever version of Windows and called it Windows 10. I'm dual booting Windows 11. Apple started and stopped using x86 during that time.

    Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post
    Damn, all that nostalgia just made me feel old. 20 years ago I was 17/18.
    To me it's realizing Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates are gone, Steve Jobs is gone gone, a long time ago... while I'm regularly figuring out my hemorrhoids and don't feel any excitement about new versions of Windows or Mac, though on the bright side this year I'll grow the best c@nnabis ever (the fact that it's not legal adds some thrill).
    Last edited by cl333r; 10 June 2023, 03:19 AM.

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  • Quackdoc
    Webkit just merged JXL by default for apple's platforms

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  • TheLexMachine
    FWIW, Microsoft Edge hasn't implemented AVIF due to "legal issues", so it hasn't been signed off on yet. Google, obviously already implemented it in Chrome.

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  • Quackdoc
    Originally posted by curfew View Post

    But but but trolls on this forum said Firefox has full JPEG-XL implementation in place but they just don't want to enable it because reasons!!!1
    Read the quote, Many firefox forks implement these patches
    saschanaz added a comment.Aug 11 2021, 9:29 AM
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    Hi @wwwwwwww, sorry for the long delay.

    I think we'll prioritize AVIF for now, so right now we are not actively investing in this, given that we have limited resource. It's okay to keep the patches posted, but I don't think merging will happen in the foreseeable future.

    I'm very sorry for that, especially with your other recent works. But still, thank you for your contribution.

    firefox forks with support off the top of my head if you wanted to try one
    waterfox - https://github.com/WaterfoxCo/Waterfox/pull/2938
    floorp - https://github.com/Floorp-Projects/Floorp/pull/268
    librewolf(doesn't currently enable them but patches are there) - https://gitlab.com/librewolf-communi...ge_requests/53
    Last edited by Quackdoc; 09 June 2023, 09:53 AM. Reason: update librewolf

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