Originally posted by yogi_berra
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If you want to help instead of bitch, make your wishes more realistic by donating to the particle guy:
If you want to test the volumetric rendering, you are free to download the "sim_physics" SVN branch, or get it from http://www.graphicall.org
The Render-API is a beast all in it self which has to wait until 2.50 is done. If that is too much for you, buy an alternative. Either way please have some respect for the huge work the Blender devs are doing.
Will it be possible to include Blender in PTS? Blender is an important part of our pipeline at work. I hear a lot of negative reports from ATI users working with Blender. If PTS could shed some light on these problems, hopefully ATI will address them and ultimately optimize their drivers (closed and open) for Blender and content creation in general, instead of Compiz and gaming under Wine :P
Only reason I ask is because I'll soon buy an AMD/ATI system for evaluation, despite threads like this: