PipeWire 0.3.43 Released With Many Fixes

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  • mether
    Fedora Contributor
    • Oct 2009
    • 2517

    Originally posted by bug77 View Post

    It wasn't about benchmarks, just basic capabilities. It seems the author has a thing about advertising things before they're actually implemented properly. This isn't first hand knowledge, but from a friend that was working in that area at the time. Make of it what you want.
    I would urge you to not repeat things others said without some informed understanding of the situation. For example, Jack advertises the capability to change buffer size on demand. Some applications including Ardour cannot handle this robustly always and can crash if you do this while the application is running. Does that mean Jack developers are advertising things incorrectly or lied about it? The more reasonable conclusion is the advertised capability isn't universally supported at the application level or entirely bug free.


    • bug77
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2009
      • 6515

      Originally posted by RahulSundaram View Post

      I would urge you to not repeat things others said without some informed understanding of the situation. For example, Jack advertises the capability to change buffer size on demand. Some applications including Ardour cannot handle this robustly always and can crash if you do this while the application is running. Does that mean Jack developers are advertising things incorrectly or lied about it? The more reasonable conclusion is the advertised capability isn't universally supported at the application level or entirely bug free.
      Trust me, I haven't said this lightly. In fact it's the first time I've mentioned it since my friend told me years ago.
      I also don't have a bone to pick with Mr. Pottering either. He makes stuff (and free stuff at that) and that's to be appreciated.

