MPV 0.34 Released For Popular Linux Media Player

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  • uid313
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 6919

    Originally posted by Charlie68 View Post

    Flatpak and snap should have a sandbox, sure it's a bit safer, but I've seen a lot of hacked sandboxes, so I've always thought that sandbox is just a myth.
    Flatpak and Snap does have support for sandbox mode, but it depends on how the package is configured. It can be confined as sandbox or as unconfined. As sandbox it can be configured with few or many permissions.

    Yes, maybe sandbox can be hacked, but it is defense in depth. With a sandbox you have an additional layer of security.


    • justin_webb
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2021
      • 10

      I think what many in this Phoronix thread don't realise or don't emphasise enough is that MPV violates the hard earned intellectual properties of many western companies for their own gain.

      Neither the MPV developer nor the MPV users pay patent royalties for highly advanced compression codec's such as HEVC, H.265 or AV1. This is because they were illegally obtained (pirated) from secured company servers by hackers working on behalf of the MPV developer.

      The name of the application program, "MPV", actually is an acronym for "Many Previous Violations", meaning that they are seasoned criminals and not just amateurs in their basements. They likely have many underground organised crime connections.

      You will no doubt have noticed that a lot of MPV users are Chinese. This is no coincidence as MPV is simply another case of Chinese infringement upon western intellectual property. They have no regard for the law of the United States or its colonies.

      I think it is irresponsible of Phoronix to advertise this illegal media player when much better legal alternatives exist, such as the GStreamer based Totem player on the GNOME platform.


      • arQon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2019
        • 940

        Originally posted by Quackdoc View Post
        As for deinterlacing, I don't see the need for automatic deinterlacing. on every video player I've used, it is usually of mediocre consistency and I wind up manually enabling or disabling anyways.
        I'm not sure if you were just trying to be kind to OP out of sympathy for his condition, but it's worth pointing out that deinterlacing stopped having ANY value at all (as opposed to just dubious value) once we moved on from PAL/NTSC. That's about 15 years ago.

        While I respect OP's commitment to his vintage pr0n, ISTM that if he's still got media THAT old he'd be better off ripping it, deinterlacing it with an algorithm that doesn't suck (well, okay: "sucks less than most of the others", since they're all pretty terrible), and encoding the deinterlaced stream to h264 on a NAS instead.


        • alex19EP
          Junior Member
          • Dec 2020
          • 20

          Originally posted by justin_webb View Post
          I think what many in this Phoronix thread don't realise or don't emphasise enough is that MPV violates the hard earned intellectual properties of many western companies for their own gain.

          Neither the MPV developer nor the MPV users pay patent royalties for highly advanced compression codec's such as HEVC, H.265 or AV1. This is because they were illegally obtained (pirated) from secured company servers by hackers working on behalf of the MPV developer.

          The name of the application program, "MPV", actually is an acronym for "Many Previous Violations", meaning that they are seasoned criminals and not just amateurs in their basements. They likely have many underground organised crime connections.

          You will no doubt have noticed that a lot of MPV users are Chinese. This is no coincidence as MPV is simply another case of Chinese infringement upon western intellectual property. They have no regard for the law of the United States or its colonies.

          I think it is irresponsible of Phoronix to advertise this illegal media player when much better legal alternatives exist, such as the GStreamer based Totem player on the GNOME platform.
          if it’s a joke, then I don’t understand it, and if not... I don’t even want to think about it.

