Originally posted by tildearrow
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GTK4 To Bring Better & Faster macOS Support
Originally posted by dirlewanger88
It's a mediocre toolkit, with an absolutely terrible approach to backwards compatibility. JWZ's 17 year old rant about the GNOME project is even more true today than it was back then.
If you think GTK is "great" you almost certainly haven't used it seriously for any length of time.
Originally posted by _r00t- View Post
I agree. GTK+ is a great toolkit. I don't think that it will suit great on MacOS for the moment.
As for GIMP, AFAIK the Windows version was slow to start due to an issue with creating a font cache. I remember reading that this has been changed to ab asynchronous and the slow downs are no longer present.
Originally posted by elduderino View Post
Shrug. Everyone complains that the toolkit isn't cross-platform enough so I take some extra time to fix that and I'm welcomed with useless posts like this. Good times.
Many don't understand the amount of time and effort that can go into making what may seem like minor improvements. Speaking from experience with my own open-source contributions (which are likely far less worthwhile), I'm not presently a GTK user (unless there's no decent Qt equivalent), but I can definitely appreciate this work and look forward to GTK4 in the future
I'm sure many others appreciate your contributions too.
Yeah, I came to this thread to understand the GTK on Windows situation. I am not an expert, so I may be bit ignorant of things. It seamed like GTK2 on Windows worked, but I have seen multiple references that GTK3 on Windows was maybe more difficult - is that true? And if so, are things looking better for GTK4 on Windows?
I ask, because there are applications out there using GTK that are intended to be cross-platform. If that is the case, it would be nice if the toolkit (i.e. GTK) worked on those various platforms. I have been curious about this for a while (GTK2 vs. GTK3 vs. GTK4 on Windows), so figured might be a good chance to ask. Thanks!
Apple is no longer a Platform -- they are a Digital Jail that prey on the technologically illiterate and the vein. Seeing how they've treated OpenGL, made it impossible to boot Linux on their new laptops and actively discouraged programmer innovation I couldn't care less if GTK support for macOS was sterilized from the codebase all-together.