Ardour 6.0 Digital Audio Workstation Released

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  • PaulDavis
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2012
    • 14

    Originally posted by stalkerg View Post

    I don't know who are you and can you talking from all Ardour developers or not. If yes, as user I really frustrated.
    After all this words I suppose Michael can preapre new article with scream title. )
    'm Ardour's lead/original developer.

    Why would you be frustrated? As I've outlined, there's nothing about a move to GTK3/4 that would buy you (as a user) anything at all, and if we did a port, we'd be spending time on that which could be spent on actual features. Ardour already supports HiDPI, works on Wayland, etc. etc.


    • PaulDavis
      Junior Member
      • Jul 2012
      • 14

      Originally posted by darkbasic View Post
      I've used to be a long time Ardour user and I'm very sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will change your mind about GTK3 and Wayland.
      Why are you sorry to hear that? Ardour already runs on Wayland. What do you imagine you would gain, as a user, from a GTK3/4 version?


      • mos87
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2016
        • 465

        Originally posted by PaulDavis View Post
        our users are too important for us to waste that much time on something with so little payback.
        users with higher-than-usual DPI displays apparently aren't

        Originally posted by PaulDavis View Post
        Ardour already supports HiDPI
        fair enough then. A modern toolkit would probably allow for a smoother exp.. However since your GUI is so custom... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
        Last edited by mos87; 25 May 2020, 10:10 AM.


        • PaulDavis
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2012
          • 14

          Originally posted by mos87 View Post
          users with higher-than-usual DPI displays apparently aren't

          fair enough then. A modern toolkit would probably allow for a smoother exp.. However since your GUI is so custom... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
          why do you think we don't value HiDPI ... ardour already works with hiDPI, on all platforms.

          does phoronix have the worst forum system ever, or what? it's appalling. logging in is hard enough, and then in your post, for example, i can't see the "PS" until i quote your message.


          • darkbasic
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2009
            • 3086

            Originally posted by PaulDavis View Post

            Why are you sorry to hear that? Ardour already runs on Wayland. What do you imagine you would gain, as a user, from a GTK3/4 version?
            Ardour runs *natively* on Wayland or it simply runs on XWayland? Because if it's XWayland it would be a blurry hell for me because of the way scaling is handled on XWayland.
            Let's not talk of per-monitor scaling or non-integer scaling: lots of users nowadays have HiDPI laptops attached to standard-DPI external monitors and this works like hell in X (never got the xrandr hack working properly).
            I'm not using DAWs anymore like I used to (thanks for your work on Ardour btw), but lack of native Wayland support would definitely be a showstopper for me if I had to.
            ## VGA ##
            AMD: X1950XTX, HD3870, HD5870
            Intel: GMA45, HD3000 (Core i5 2500K)


            • mos87
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2016
              • 465

              Originally posted by stalkerg View Post
              Paul says they already support it. Frankly it's about the only major end-user desirable upgrade between gtk2 and gtk3
              Originally posted by stalkerg View Post
              Wayland,New FileDialog,Security and bug fixes,
              doubt users/developers care much about these
              Originally posted by stalkerg View Post
              as I know, Ardour is using gtk very limited
              Well that might be one reason they don't prioritize porting that much
              Originally posted by stalkerg View Post
              PS when Linux distributives will drop gtk2 as deprecated?
              not anytime soon. not by a long shot.


              • mos87
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2016
                • 465

                Originally posted by PaulDavis View Post
                why do you think we don't value HiDPI ... ardour already works with hiDPI, on all platforms.
                see the PS (if you had GUI heavily-relying on GTK2 actual HIDPI support would be impossible, since GTK2 doesn't know about it)

                Originally posted by PaulDavis View Post
                does phoronix have the worst forum system ever, or what? it's appalling. logging in is hard enough, and then in your post, for example, i can't see the "PS" until i quote your message.
                it's "hairy" for sure. not to mention slow, but who mentions slow in 2020? Your Threadripper and 32 gigs of RAM ought to be enough!
                it tries to be a sort of a "posting studio" - a feature rich desktop-like app inside the browser obviously using JS.
                That's the (sad) "future" of end-user apps for you...


                • mos87
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2016
                  • 465

                  Originally posted by darkbasic View Post
                  Ardour runs *natively* on Wayland or it simply runs on XWayland? Because if it's XWayland it would be a blurry hell for me because of the way scaling is handled on XWayland.
                  File a bug with Wayland? Don't use Wayland? Don't use Ardour on Wayland?


                  • darkbasic
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 3086

                    Originally posted by mos87 View Post
                    File a bug with Wayland? Don't use Wayland? Don't use Ardour on Wayland?
                    Sure, I won't use Ardour (Ardour on Xorg will break per monitor scaling so it's not an option as well).
                    But even then I will still feel sad for the direction the best-software-in-category is taking.
                    ## VGA ##
                    AMD: X1950XTX, HD3870, HD5870
                    Intel: GMA45, HD3000 (Core i5 2500K)


                    • omer666
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2013
                      • 246

                      Originally posted by darkbasic View Post

                      Sure, I won't use Ardour... But I will still feel sad for the direction the best-software-in-category is taking.
                      As a daily user of both Mixbus and Ardour, I can't help but notice that you know nothing about DAWs. You want Ardour to run natively on Wayland, but the fact is that audio plugins simply don't. So why bother?
                      In fact there's a good many audio plugins that don't even support HiDPI. Deal with it.
                      Have a look at the state of music production on Windows, there are many users who are struck with 32 bit versions of their DAWs in order to run their decades-old plugins which are 32 bits only.
                      And if you look at other major DAWs on Linux, absolutely none of them supports Wayland natively.
                      The current state of music production is such that Ardour simply doesn't need GTK3. That's funny because you just sound like "I ain't gonna use this software if it's not running on Wayland", but the fact is you don't need it because you don't know what it's used for.
                      If one day, people start porting all and every plugin to a brand-new technology which makes it all secure and clean and your DAW needs it, then why not. But the current state of Linux audio is that we don't even have enough plugins to cover all our needs, so if you start bothering devs with GTK3 and HiDPI, that situation isn't going to improve anytime soon.
                      On a good note, there are much more plugins getting ported these days, and some coming from major developers, but again, those are VST, which means decade-old technology.
                      Paul's point about Ardour's packaging for distributions is right too, and I've always been using official binaries.
                      PaulDavis You do an amazing job and Ardour is one of the best open source software I've ever used and recommended to anybody. Don't pay attention to these forums which are full of trolls, it's always like this in here. Thank you so much for your commitment and hard work, it's very much appreciated.

