Originally posted by Eso Kerman
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I also find the traditional desktop annoying and outdated. Doesn't mean we have to be pleased with everything Gnome does. If it goes against our own workflow, we can still express disagreement, and YET believe the paradigm is the right one.
This has nothing to do with purists. (Gnome 2) Purists are long gone to Mate and Cinnamon. Neither does it have to do with changes of habits, Unity required the same change as Gnome 3. Blaming resistance to change is the kind of reply you get from people without strong arguments.
The one criticizing are the one that still stand behind the paradigm (represented by Unity/Gnome 3) but see their Gnome workflow stripped down and harder to use with every new release.
For me, it's still the closest DE I can get to the paradigm. Unfortunately Unity is unmaintained, which is why I'm using Gnome. But I still believe Unity was implemented with a much better vision (in my point of view) and much more consideration for the end-user. It was realistic because it was disruptive and yet it took into account how common people use a computer. Gnome wrongly assume their users are all nerd.
Originally posted by kshanowski
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Originally posted by mppix
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I'm always up for good explanations. I label some as fanboys because they agree to everything like little sheeps. They don't think. They accept without blinking whatever's thrown at them as if it was the single version of the truth. That's not how it works, there are as many truths as there are people (less the fanboys). Which is why configuration is important. But Gnome is limiting choices.
I respect the choice of people (if they can think by themselves) even those using vanilla Gnome, that's exactly why I'm asking for options, not for me but so that everyone can actually configure Gnome to some extent (without extensions for basic stuff) and get a satisfying workflow. It's for choice's sake.