Wine 4.0 Officially Released With Vulkan Support, Initial Direct3D 12 & Better HiDPI

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67366

    Wine 4.0 Officially Released With Vulkan Support, Initial Direct3D 12 & Better HiDPI

    Phoronix: Wine 4.0 Officially Released With Vulkan Support, Initial Direct3D 12 & Better HiDPI

    Wine 4.0 is now officially available as the new annual stable release to Wine for running Windows programs and games on Linux and other operating systems...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • pinguinpc
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2009
    • 923

    This wine version conclude rc series and have many improvements if you come from wine 3.0

    Nier Automata

    Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus

    With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + CoolerMaster Hyper T4

    About video with wine 2.13 will be possible recording with nvenc using wine regular dx11 implementation but actually using dxvk + faudio performance improve around 20 to 30fps depending scene

    But now is not possible recording with nvenc because gpu up to 100% and when occur this situation video file recording have bad video and sound

    With SSR* cpu recording stay better, sound stay ok and fps indicator appear well (give a better idea about performance)

    *With obs give worst results using gpu or cpu compared SSR

    Last edited by pinguinpc; 22 January 2019, 07:34 PM.


    • bcellin
      Junior Member
      • May 2016
      • 30


      *** Input devices - HID game controllers are supported in the XInput and Raw Input APIs. - An SDL driver is implemented to make SDL game controllers available through the HID interface. I don't understand much about this. will I be able to play with my wireless xbox360 controllers out of the box using wine?? currently I have to struggle with xboxdrv, xdumbinput, etc.


      • caligula
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2014
        • 3342

        Originally posted by bcellin View Post
        *** Input devices - HID game controllers are supported in the XInput and Raw Input APIs. - An SDL driver is implemented to make SDL game controllers available through the HID interface. I don't understand much about this. will I be able to play with my wireless xbox360 controllers out of the box using wine?? currently I have to struggle with xboxdrv, xdumbinput, etc.
        Good question. BTW Does X have any support for emulating X pointer with gamepads? I've been unsuccessful so far.


        • ramrod
          Phoronix Member
          • Nov 2016
          • 95

          Originally posted by bcellin View Post
          *** Input devices - HID game controllers are supported in the XInput and Raw Input APIs. - An SDL driver is implemented to make SDL game controllers available through the HID interface. I don't understand much about this. will I be able to play with my wireless xbox360 controllers out of the box using wine?? currently I have to struggle with xboxdrv, xdumbinput, etc.
          Yes they will work. Many other game pads will just work as well, as long as they work with SDL.


          • R41N3R
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2017
            • 1113

            Originally posted by pinguinpc View Post
            This wine version conclude rc series and have many improvements if you come from wine 3.0

            Nier Automata

            Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus

            With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + CoolerMaster Hyper T4

            About video with wine 2.13 will be possible recording with nvenc using wine regular dx11 implementation but actually using dxvk + faudio performance improve around 20 to 30fps depending scene

            But now is not possible recording with nvenc because gpu up to 100% and when occur this situation video file recording have bad video and sound

            With SSR* cpu recording stay better, sound stay ok and fps indicator appear well (give a better idea about performance)

            *With obs give worst results using gpu or cpu compared SSR

            The second videos is stuttering a lot, it sould be much more fluid. Any idea why this happens? Frame rate seems to be ok. I've seen this on my machine as well but always thought it is related to 4k in xwayland.


            • Ashraaf
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2019
              • 6

              Originally posted by caligula View Post

              Good question. BTW Does X have any support for emulating X pointer with gamepads? I've been unsuccessful so far.
              Have you tried following ArchWiki's guide?
              Try changing both "StartKeysEnabled" and "StartMouseEnabled" to True also make sure that MatchDevicePath is pointed to correct path eg.. "
              /dev/input/js*" for the original Joystick interface or "/dev/input/event*" for the newer evdev-based interface.


              • pinguinpc
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2009
                • 923

                Originally posted by R41N3R View Post
                The second videos is stuttering a lot, it sould be much more fluid. Any idea why this happens? Frame rate seems to be ok. I've seen this on my machine as well but always thought it is related to 4k in xwayland.
                Is a recording problem because in game works without issues but as said before nvenc dont possible use because gpu up to 100%, but in first video use dx11 wine implementation and gpu dont up 100% for this reason 1st video dont have any problem

                However give a minor idea about performance, with more powerfull gpu nvenc could possible use maybe with GTX 1060 3GB or more

                Respect wayland, wayland needs more development (many issues and dont only graphics) maybe in future


                • Brisse
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2017
                  • 908

                  NieR: Automata is stuttering A LOT on xwayland for me as well. Perfectly smooth when using though. It seems a bit random because other games, like Dark Souls III actually work pretty good when using xwayland while some games run terrible.


                  • schmidtbag
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 6618

                    Hopefully Valve's Proton will soon be re-based to the current Wine 4.0 state.
                    I find this slightly confusing - aren't a lot of the changes to Wine 4.0 due to Proton? In other words, it's more like Wine 4.0 is based on Proton 3.16, rather than the other way around. But maybe I'm wrong, in which case, I'm sure Proton 4.0 ought to narrow down the compatibility list.

                    Originally posted by Brisse View Post
                    NieR: Automata is stuttering A LOT on xwayland for me as well. Perfectly smooth when using though. It seems a bit random because other games, like Dark Souls III actually work pretty good when using xwayland while some games run terrible.
                    As much as I am an advocate for Wayland, I don't advise it for gamers, especially those using Wine. It's not quite there yet IMO.

