Google Working On New "Fuchsia" Operating System, Powered By Magenta / LK Kernel

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  • Hi-Angel
    I'm not excited at all. GNU/Linux and/or BSD ecosystem isn't going to benefit from it; Android at least has Linux kernel, so manufacturers wrote drivers for it.

    What's interesting, the project can actually succeed, simply because of marketing. If there was a GNU/Linux company who would've done as much marketing as Microsoft or Apple does, the «Year of GNU/Linux desktop» would have happened much earlier.

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  • mike4
    to get rid of java probably

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  • dh04000
    I have this weird feeling that this a convergent os based on a fusion of android and chrome.

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  • macemoneta
    Um, why? Linux can be built very light weight. Even $5 tiny embedded devices run Linux / OpenWRT, and yet it offers huge functionality just by enabling needed options. Hardware manufacturers are building chips specifically to support embedded Linux. It's taken thousands of software developers and thousands more hardware developers a quarter century to reach this functional level and breadth. It seems to me that anything Google needs to do, they can simply integrate into Linux - to the benefit of the greater community.

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  • Google Working On New "Fuchsia" Operating System, Powered By Magenta / LK Kernel

    Phoronix: Google Working On New "Fuchsia" Operating System, Powered By Magenta / "LK Kernel

    Google appears to be working on a new operating system that's written from scratch and appears to be target both phones and PCs, among other form factors...

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