Bye bye BSD, Hello Linux: A Sys Admin's Story

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  • endman
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2013
    • 176

    Bye bye BSD, Hello Linux: A Sys Admin's Story

    As you know, there is an article and a thread discussing about Apache getting removed from the base system OpenBSD. Although much of the thread has been dominated by fanatic Linux hating BSD fanboys, some of the comments made have been particularly interesting and important in terms of what is actually going on. Some of the comments are:

    Originally posted by mark45
    BSDs are irrelevant, it becomes ever more often that if an app doesn't compile/run on a Unix OS which is neither Linux or Mac/iOS - take a hike. I never cared if my app runs on any BSD, even my Java apps.

    Originally posted by Pawlerson
    You have to live with that. It doesn't matter if openbsd or some other bsd chooses to drop something, because it won't affect market share at all.
    These comments reflect real life. Unfortunate, they have been met with a barrage of foul-mouth trolling from BSD fanatics like Sergio, Cthulhux and Vim_User.

    In response, I'll like to post a link to an article that proofs mark45 and Pawlerson's statement.

    As you can see, OpenBSD and BSD overall is dead even on the server side. Many softer but still brainless BSD fanboys claim that Linux is better on Desktop while BSD is better on servers.

    BSD is not better on servers especially now when virtualization is a must and BSDs have been found time and time again to be slower, less reliable and less robust then Linux or even Windows.

    BSD is not even good for the embedded side as it has very poor scalability and an install with only a partial base system is already too bloated and slow compared to a full desktop Linux install.

    Best regards
  • TheBlackCat
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 1920

    Originally posted by endman View Post
    As you can see, OpenBSD and BSD overall is dead even on the server side. Many softer but still brainless BSD fanboys claim that Linux is better on Desktop while BSD is better on servers.
    I am no fan of BSDs, but seriously, the best evidence you can come up with that "OpenBSD and BSD overall is dead even on the server side" is an anecdote about a single person's experience with OpenBSD 6 years ago!


    • endman
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2013
      • 176

      There is also this:

      And it's more recent, 2011.

      There is also evidence of FreeBSD losing not just users but developers as well:

      As you can see, the FreeBSD project as well as the OpenBSD project has got a very unfriendly environment for it's developers and they are thus leaving by droves.
      Last edited by endman; 06 April 2014, 05:01 AM.


      • TheBlackCat
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2011
        • 1920

        Originally posted by endman View Post
        There is also this:
        Yeah, I think that is roughly the amount of evidence everyone expected.

        edit: endman edited his/her post after I posted this. When I posted, that was all there was.


        • TheBlackCat
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2011
          • 1920

          Originally posted by endman View Post
          There is also this:

          And it's more recent, 2011.

          There is also evidence of FreeBSD losing not just users but developers as well:

          As you can see, the FreeBSD project as well as the OpenBSD project has got a very unfriendly environment for it's developers and they are thus leaving by droves.
          Anecdotes are not evidence. It doesn't matter whether it is one or three. It is easy to find people who left Linux for BSD as well, or Linux for windows, or Linux for Mac. That doesn't prove anything.


          • endman
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2013
            • 176

            This is also graphical evidence from w3techs:


            • TheBlackCat
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2011
              • 1920

              Originally posted by endman View Post
              This is also graphical evidence from w3techs:

              Wow, you are as bad as Honton. You show a tiny change over just one year with no context and expect that to be remotely convincing?


              • dungeon
                • Feb 2008
                • 7915

                Something is just wrong with those statistics First three linuxes loose 13% together and in same time in first 2 months this year

                Together with RH and others ~15% goes nowhere
                Last edited by dungeon; 06 April 2014, 07:50 AM.


                • endman
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2013
                  • 176

                  This also this:

                  Which shows FreeBSD usage share declining while Linux usage shares are increasing:

                  The truth is inescapable.
                  Last edited by endman; 06 April 2014, 09:22 AM.


                  • Anarchy
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2012
                    • 183

                    Generally speaking, you might be right. Linux is developed by many companies, individuals, and institutions on constant basis, so the quality of the code and capabilities of Linux generally surpass every OS out there minus some very specialized ones a la z/os specifically designed to work on mainframes. Nowadays, all is see is how feature A from Linux is going to get ported to BSD, never the other way around, which suggests that all BSD projects are dead or dying of they have completely stagnated.

                    Right now the biggest bsd user is Apple, which is its biggest liability.

