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Sony's PlayStation 4 Is Running Modified FreeBSD 9

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  • Originally posted by Ericg View Post
    BSD Developers knowingly and willfully choose the BSD License because they want the code in the hands of as many people as humanly possible regardless of the project in question. They just want their code out there being used. Enough of this "If you're not with us*, you're against us."
    That's completely false. They hate when their code is used in truly FLOSS projects like Linux and they're in heaven when their code is used by proprietary vendors. They're against us and Freedom.


    • Originally posted by archibald View Post
      It's worth noting that Public Domain doesn't exist everywhere: some countries don't allow an author to waive copyright. For such countries, I think the WTFPL[page includes an expletive, so possibly NSFW] licence is probably the closest thing :-)
      And that's why I said CC0. See section 3 of it.


      • Originally posted by Ericg View Post
        Keep in mind, there's nothing demanding in the GPL that you submit your modifications back upstream. It just demands that you make them available IF you distribute binaries.
        And this is one of the biggest GPL values. I don't care much about some random modifications which are made by some individual. Companies usually distribute binaries and if Linux would be BSD licensed we wouldn't get Android code, RHEL, SUSE, Oracle modifications.


        • Originally posted by ashkbajw View Post
          but afaik you cant execute x86_64 code in x86 mode, you need to enter "long mode". So you would have to run the emu under a x86_64 OS, otherwise you'd have to translate the instructions to x86 as i said. In which case you'd have to then deal with the problem of x86 software that isnt fully compatible with 64bits OSs like most advanced emus, or a lot of troubles with 32bit libraries in parallel with the 64bits versions. That's why i still use 32bits with pae, only 7z (mx=9 mmt=6, mx=8 works fine) and firefox sometimes get near or above the 2GB limit, and with pae i can still use my full 8gb of ram.
          Just what advanced emulators are you having troubles with under AMD64? All the one's I run (for SNES, GBA, etc) work just as well under AMD64 as they did under x86, and for that matter under ARM on an OpenPandora, for that matter I can't say I've ever had a real 32 bit vs 64 bit compatibility issue under linux as long as the appropriate libraries are installed, which isn't really much of any difficulty at all.

          and while you can write your own stuff to support your usecase I don't really see any developers as going to be going out of there way to support it particularly as they're going to have to assume a modern 64-bit processor, 8+GB of RAM, a GPU that can do at least 2TFLOPs, etc...


          • Originally posted by GreatEmerald View Post
            And that's why I said CC0. See section 3 of it.
            Thanks for the link, I was confusing CC0 and Public Domain (thinking that the former was CC shorthand for the latter).


            • Originally posted by Rallos Zek View Post
              What a long post of FUD and lies.
              I love Phoronix.


              • Originally posted by elanthis View Post
                I love Phoronix.
                Out of curiosity do you still work on that API you were talking about a year (?) ago.


                • Originally posted by deanjo View Post
                  Not much truth in an article that claims to be presenting the truth.
                  There doesn't have to be truth in it, it's a lame troll that was written to waste your time. This guy is better at it.


                  • Originally posted by elanthis View Post
                    I love Phoronix.
                    Well, one thing is clear, you don't like OpenGL. On the other side there are thousands of programmers who just use it, and weirdly enough it seems to work for them. Btw not sure if you knew this, but it is possible to wrap OpenGL with a minimal interface which deals with most of your complaints. I saw this happen and I heard the VALVE guys have got a decent wrapper too.


                    • Originally posted by log0 View Post
                      Well, one thing is clear, you don't like OpenGL. On the other side there are thousands of programmers who just use it, and weirdly enough it seems to work for them.
                      Originally posted by log0 View Post
                      Well, one thing is clear, you don't like Windows. On the other side there are thousands of consumers who just use it, and weirdly enough it seems to work for them.
                      I'm sorry, but your logic doesn't pass the sniff test.

