Shuttleworth Closes Bug #1, Microsoft's Market Share

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  • dee.
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2013
    • 1477

    Originally posted by BO$$ View Post
    OK maybe I've exaggerated a little: 14. Your kind of thinking is how I used to think around that age. Fortunately I've woken up.

    Of course there is something wrong with the world: I am not in absolute power! Bwhahahaha! OK seriously now, if you want to get into power (any kind) you will pretty much need to emulate those who already are in power. Diverging too much from the behavioral patterns of the powerful will decrease your chances of getting into power. That is all I'm saying. I am not enjoying being part of the lynch mob, I only enjoy doing what works to get me ahead. Sometimes this means sticking for the weaker guys if I'm trying to expose the powerful as evil so that I take their place if
    I get the sympathy of the crowds. Sometimes I'm with the powerful into crushing the competition in their infancy. I don't always take the same side in similar conflicts if that is what you're saying I should do. I only side with who is going to benefit me more. And most probably you do the same but you're just too much of a hypocrite to admit it.

    Sometimes you have to be ruthless to get ahead, sometimes kind. You get the idea...
    You just like to add more evidence to the pile, don't you? You do realize that you're just proving everything I've been saying, right?

    Manipulating others for your own gain is a trait of antisocial personality. You "joke" about wanting to be in absolute power... but people often say as jokes things they actually believe, but think that others wouldn't approve of - this gives a person credible deniability, by being able to say "it's just a joke" if people disapprove.

    You said it best yourself: you do whatever it takes to get ahead. You manipulate others, pretend that you care, but deep down you're incapable of empathy towards others, you only care about your own self. You care about behaving in a way that is perceived as "normal" because you think you can manipulate others more effectively that way, and also because you can get more "status" and "power" for yourself that way.

    You don't care about right or wrong. As you said: You only side with weaker guys when there is some benefit in it to yourself.

    I think either you are seriously suffering from some kind of narcissistic or antisocial disorder (in which case: get help, there's therapy and medication which can help you to lead a fulfilling life) or... it's all just an act. Maybe you still think it's "cool" to act like you don't give a shit about anything, and that caring about things (any things) is a sign of weakness for others to exploit. Or maybe you're practicing for the role of Cartman in the live-action-adaptation of South Park. I don't know which is the case, and I don't really care much either way... Either way, you obviously have some issues to sort out. But don't feel bad, so do we all! We all have problems. Life is not easy.

    In any case, I hope you'll find some help for your problems. Because the way you speak, your existence seems like a very sad one.

    No I don't believe what I am saying. I believe that open source has been a rousing success and everybody has adopted the model because of the unquestionable success it has achieved. Just like you believe. In fact most products from Adobe, Microsoft, Autodesk etc. are now open source because they realized that it's just better for the world. Plus they wanted to play nice with linux since now it is the dominant OS and had to port all their software to linux. Even windows is now ported to linux and open sourced. And I also believe that we should all gather together and hold hands and sing around the fire.

    They are stumbling because they are trying to get the same interface on both mobiles and desktops. And even if the stock isn't the best it has been you can't actually argue with the profit numbers. They rake in the cash even now. People buy windows and they are fine with it, they made a product people want. Not because they have lied cheated etc. No one is going to say that they are nice guys, far from it. But they did what they had to do and won. Reading some mails from and to Bill Gates in the United States v Microsoft shows how real masters think. It should be enlightening for people like to read some of those. Most likely in the same conditions and with the same threats to your business you would have done the same. You just like to think that you wouldn't have.
    A person who is unable to feel empathy towards others, and who is only motivated for profit and manipulates others for their own gain, is liable to think that everyone else thinks the same way. If you're unable to put yourself in someone else's shoes, you are more likely project your own thoughts and feelings to others - or, put in another way, as they say... the thief is the first to suspect others of stealing.

    You like to think that everyone is selfish and only motivated by profit and doesn't care about others, because that way, it's easier to justify your own actions to yourself. Open source must feel especially offensive to you, being that it's fundamentally a co-operative paradigm... and that must really eat you up, it goes against everything your dad taught you, about how it's a dog-eat-dog world and all that... how you can't trust anyone except yourself and that everyone is out to screw you over... and that it's acceptable to do so because everyone does it.

    You also seem to think that there's no point trying to change things because "that's how they have always been". Well, you know... the thing is, the "way things have always been" is just an illusion. There's no such thing because things are always changing. There's always two kinds of people... those who are resistant to change, or apathetic to it, maybe because they just don't care, or because they think it's hopeless to even try - or maybe they're just too comfortable and complacent to do anything. And then there are those who actually get up their asses and get things done. Those are the people who come up with real ideas, things that change the way we think, that change our lives. They are the people who notice that there are things that are shitty and wrong and actually do something to change them.

    We used to keep other people as slaves. We used to not let women vote. We used to have child labour. Boss, if everyone thought like you, society would never have progressed enough to get us away from living in holes in the ground and playing with our own fecies. We'd all just be "why bother trying to change anything, this is how it's always been!" "Fire? Wheel? What's those things? Sounds like crazy talk, probably made up by some kind of hippy basement dweller!"
    Last edited by dee.; 01 June 2013, 05:41 PM.


    • johnc
      Official Fanboy
      • May 2011
      • 2276

      Originally posted by peppercats View Post
      But he's right, in 2009 Windows made up nearly 90% of Wikipedia's traffic, and last month they made up barely 50%.
      Just wait until these Windows tablets and phones finally take off. It's not over yet.


      • GreatEmerald
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 3686

        Originally posted by elanthis View Post
        If there's any factual arguments with supporting evidence that Mr. Spencer is trying to destroy Linux for the benefit his previous employer, get upset.
        That happened with Nokia already. This, combined with the crazy directions Ubuntu has been heading lately, is already a cause for concern.


        • Sonadow
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2009
          • 2280

          Originally posted by GreatEmerald View Post
          That happened with Nokia already. This, combined with the crazy directions Ubuntu has been heading lately, is already a cause for concern.
          Windows Phone 8 adoption is growing (albeit slowly) and Nokia is the main driver of it. That does not sound like 'trouble' in any sense of the word.

          You'd be surprised to see how often Lumia phones get marked 'out of stock' over here just weeks after a new batch arrives.


          • timothyja
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2012
            • 164

            Originally posted by elanthis View Post
            So? Do you have any idea how many Linux fans work at Microsoft? There's bunches of people who come out of school with $100k+ in college debt and get get $96k+/year starting salary + $20k bonus + stock options + free investments account + free legal representation (even in personal traffic disputes) + a great campus + housing/transportation stipend + more... all from Microsoft. Tons of other people just actually like some of the really crazy R&D Microsoft does even though they don't care for the specific products or services they make. More production-oriented folks often just enjoy being part of a large, successful company where their work impacts millions of people (usually for the better by the values of the common person who cares more about cars or sports or relationships or books or whatever rather than computing or ideologies).

            Just because someone does or has worked for Microsoft does not make them anti-Linux, anti-Freedom, pro-Windows, or anything else. In fact, if they stopped working for Microsoft despite all the benefits, that might even mean that they have a beef with the company, its products, or its practices. Their previous employment just means they found that working there was the best option available to them at the time for one of a bunch of different possible reasons. While there are some very anti-Linux people at Microsoft, there's anti-Linux people all over the place; likewise pro-Linux people are everywhere you can imagine and probably some you can't.

            Furthermore, most people _just don't give a shit_. Mr. Spencer is probably significantly more interested in doing his job well than he is in anything else relevant to Linux vs. Windows. If he can do that job well in favor of Linux rather than in favor of Windows, that should be considered a _good thing_ for the Linux supporters. Likewise, if he maintains good relations with other folks internal to Microsoft, that can only helps shift Microsoft even further down the path it's been traveling of acceptance and cooperation with Linux rather than the now 14-year-old anti-Linux campaign of theirs that everyone seems to be clinging to.

            The ridiculous fear-mongering in that article you linked does way more to discredit certain Linux bigots' critical thinking skills than it does to discredit Mr. Spencer or Ubuntu.

            Likewise the secure boot thing. That is technology designed by engineers to solve a security problem _that actually exists_. Much more likely than an evil plot to hamper Linux adoption, the internal discussions about it at Microsoft probably went along the lines of "huh, we're getting complaints from Linux users about this. What do our customers and hardware partners think? Oh, they really just don't care at all. Well, okay then, no reason to spend more time and money on this just to quiet down the fringes of the blogosphere." There's a strong argument that the road to hell is paved with apathy, but there's a very different discussion than claiming evil plots. It always amuses me when conspiracy theorists both claim how stupid and awful some entity is while simultaneously attributing them with Lex Luthor-like intelligence and godlike foresight and premonition.

            If there's any factual arguments with supporting evidence that Mr. Spencer is trying to destroy Linux for the benefit his previous employer, get upset.
            I never said I agreed with the articale. All I said is its a bit fishy that this bug has been closed and they are actually mentioning Microsoft in a postive light. To me the real reason the bug is closed is to please microsoft due to them becoming closer nothing to do with the goal being completed.


            • GreatEmerald
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 3686

              Originally posted by Sonadow View Post
              Windows Phone 8 adoption is growing (albeit slowly) and Nokia is the main driver of it. That does not sound like 'trouble' in any sense of the word.

              You'd be surprised to see how often Lumia phones get marked 'out of stock' over here just weeks after a new batch arrives.
              Yeap, it's up by 0.08% this month... while Linux on PC is up by 0.21%.


              • smitty3268
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2008
                • 6963

                Saw this somewhere else...

                Q. How many Ubuntu engineers does it take to close one bug?

                A. None - just wait nine years and get Google and Apple to do it for you.


                • smitty3268
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 6963

                  Originally posted by Sonadow View Post
                  Windows Phone 8 adoption is growing (albeit slowly) and Nokia is the main driver of it. That does not sound like 'trouble' in any sense of the word.

                  You'd be surprised to see how often Lumia phones get marked 'out of stock' over here just weeks after a new batch arrives.
                  If you don't believe Nokia is in trouble, just try looking at their balance sheets. They're bleeding money right now.

                  That's for more reasons than just choosing Windows 8 phones. They'd probably be in a similar position even if they'd chosen to go with Android, but that is not a healthy company.


                  • chithanh
                    Senior Member
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 2493

                    Originally posted by smitty3268 View Post
                    If you don't believe Nokia is in trouble, just try looking at their balance sheets.
                    Sales numbers are already enough. Samsung overtook Nokia in phone sales in Finland in Q1 2013.
           (via OSNews)


                    • brosis
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2013
                      • 1171

                      Troll talking to a bot - priceless!

