BSDs Struggle With Open-Source Graphics Drivers

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  • systemd rulez
    • Jan 2013
    • 83

    Originally posted by yogi_berra View Post
    You'd think that, but you'd be wrong. The biggest threat to Linux is it's user base. As evidenced by this forum.
    No, the biggest threat to Linux is BSD and thier fuckers.


    • ChrisXY
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2010
      • 1044

      Originally posted by systemd rulez View Post
      The correct acronym for BSD is Bitches Sucking Dicks
      I think you're not only homophobic but also sexist. In any way, you're quite disgusting.

      Originally posted by systemd rulez View Post
      Keep dreaming, BSD only supports NVidia drivers 10 years out of date and the last time I checked, There's no OpenGL support. Only Linux OpenGL to run on pathetic linux compat layer which doesn't work property and causes X to support after 10 seconds
      You obviously don't keep up with the website to this forum:
      Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

      (I think it was because of compositing back then)


      • Vim_User
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2013
        • 1116

        Originally posted by systemd rulez View Post
        BSD fuckers. They are lost with thier license.
        It is quite simple (although way above your limited horizon): If you don't like permissive licenses then simply don't use software with a permissive license. It is open source, just remove it from your system and replace it with similar GPL licensed software.

        Let us know how it works for you, maybe more of the BSD haters want to change.


        • LightBit
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 553

          Originally posted by systemd rulez View Post
          No, the biggest threat to Linux is BSD and thier fuckers.
          How can BSD be biggest threat to Linux, if BSD is dead?


          • yogi_berra
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 936

            Originally posted by windows using troll View Post
            human rights are respected here.
            And I quote:

            Originally posted by windows using troll
            The correct acronym for BSD is Bitches Sucking Dicks
            You're a moron.


            • DanL
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2007
              • 3122

              Do not feed the trolls...


              • nightmarex
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2011
                • 462

                Originally posted by yogi_berra View Post
                Linux users. They are lost without a gui.
                Really? I use Linux because I have a love of the CLI (well... Emulated ones where I can have multiple sessions or a TTY with screen on it not that single user/program crap). Making such claims is dubious at best.

                To the poster of Linux users are it's enemy. Well I have seen many elitist attitudes from Windows users as well as OSX/IOS that was far more berating than even what Capt. Crazy has posted. Doesn't seem to harm their platform so why are Linux elitist worse than those of other systems? Unless you were just being funny in that case dismiss the preceding statement.

                Originally posted by DanL View Post
                Do not feed the trolls...
                They don't put "Please do not feed bear signs!" there for no reasons this forum needs a pop up warning before allowing a post...


                • brosis
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 1171

                  Originally posted by onicsis View Post
                  The biggest threat to Linux is not BSD, Mac OS or even Windows is EVIL Patent System. Large companies like Google IBM or HP, Linux friendly in day to day life, support that system who threatens in the long term the entier Open Source World.
                  No. Patents are not a threat, unless they are misused. And they are misused a lot - there is a dire need of reform. Patents should be completely free to use for opensource project and have 5-year validity tops for commercial projects, including using opensource software for that goal. Key technology and any "standards" should never be patented. This way, the inventor will have possibility to gain profit for invention, but only where it applies, without blockades.

                  Originally posted by onicsis View Post
                  Flamewars like Linux vs BSD should not ever exist.
                  They spark exactly where the difference lies.

                  BSD is closed source supporter and, because of that, second class OS.
                  Usually those closed source "BSD brethren" are those interested in patent misuse and in proprietary everything with DRM to the max (like Apple banning whoever they desire).

                  GPL is not and is against that. GPL does not simply "advertize" freedom, it protects it. This is why GPL is banned by Apple and Microsoft as well as hated by BSD. GPL freedom protection will disallow them to condone their dirty work, thus proving that BSD folk care a crap about freedom.

                  BSD is pseudofreedom, GPL is freedom. When judgement day comes, holy RMS will exorcise the split-tongue beasts and right now they rage about it.

                  Be aware, that GPL supporters have nothing against proprietary software, but they do have problem when proprietary masks itself as freedom software, thus misusing it.
                  Last edited by brosis; 10 February 2013, 06:19 PM.


                  • Vim_User
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 1116

                    Again, it is in fact very simple: If you don't like permissive licenses then don't use them. You don't need to license your software under such a license and if you don't want to nobody is forcing you to use software that has a permissive license. Just go ahead, remove any permissive licensed software from your system and replace it with GPL software. Possibly you will have to write some of those replacements in the first place, like your X server for example.

                    Arguing against permissive licenses, but posting from a system that makes extensive use of them is at least hypocritical, if not just an asshole move.


                    • Sergio
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2012
                      • 264

                      Originally posted by brosis View Post
                      BSD is closed source supporter and, because of that, second class OS.
                      Usually those closed source "BSD brethren" are those interested in patent misuse and in proprietary everything with DRM to the max (like Apple banning whoever they desire).

                      GPL is not and is against that. GPL does not simply "advertize" freedom, it protects it. This is why GPL is banned by Apple and Microsoft as well as hated by BSD. GPL freedom protection will disallow them to condone their dirty work, thus proving that BSD folk care a crap about freedom.
                      You are just plain wrong... Remember the academic origins of BSD; its license, therefore, was motivated by the academy. All this predates the whole "my license is more free than yours" bullshit. Any way, this proves that BSD doesn't hate GPL, and that BSD does not support closed source; this is impossible, since BSD predates all this. So, you can see GNU/GPL as anti-proprietary movements, while BSD is really proprietary-agnostic; yes, you can 'steal' BSD code, but that was not the motivation for BSD.
                      Perhaps Unix took code from BSD, but also remember that their goal was to have a free (non AT&T) Unix, so they were actually fighting for freedom many years before Linux, GNU, FSF, etc.
                      Originally posted by brosis View Post
                      BSD is pseudofreedom, GPL is freedom.
                      That's just your opinion; who are you to impose the definition of freedom to me?

