Arch BSD: Arch Linux Atop The FreeBSD Kernel
Originally posted by Cthulhux View PostSo, Amzo, what is the benefit of pacman towards pkgng?
Originally posted by Pallidus View Post"Originally Posted by nightmarex
N0 fahk BSD and it's users comment's yet?"
" Banned :-) "
surprised me too...
how do trolls not know about tails or tor?
Originally posted by staalmannen View PostYeah I am excited too
One essential package that needs to work first before I migrate is "schroot". That way I could use a static "core" os and then seamlessly run a dynamic Arch in schroot (including X11 stuff) for big and complex stuff that would be horrible to try to build statically.
Ps. Oh by the way - if I ever had a say about a mascot I would vote for a Mr. Potato variant of Tux, but perhaps I am the only one that would appreciate such a pun Ds.
shit shit shit
Originally posted by Amzo View Postpkgng wasn't around when I started the project and FreeBSD 9.1 lacks pkgng packages .
code was talked, gpl removed (illegal) and replaced with bsd license and all code that BSD dev/shitters don't understand (90% of the code) was removed.
Thus pkgng is a useless piece of shit just like Cthulhux (A self proclaimed BSD user/loser).