FreeDOS needs a package management system else it will never be able to take over the desktop PC market.
I have a FreeDOS floppy image that I can PXE boot for installing BIOS updates on old systems.
14 Years & Kicking: FreeDOS Is Still Alive
I fired it up on my Toshiba Libretto a few months ago just for laughs. The SSH client and Arachne web browser worked great.
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Why are people asking for Btrfs for FreeDOS? LOL!
FreeDOS doesn't need advanced stuff such as Btrfs, virtualization, PulseAudio,, Python, Ruby, etc.
What FreeDOS needs is good compatibility with MS-DOS, long file name support, international text editing support, etc.
Though, it would be pretty cool if Midnight Commander ran on FreeDOS.
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There are some great games for DOS, like Little Big Adventure for example. But most of them can be played using DosBox AFAIK. I really see no reason to keep FreeDOS alive.
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14 Years & Kicking: FreeDOS Is Still Alive
Phoronix: 14 Years & Kicking: FreeDOS Is Still Alive
FreeDOS, the open-source DOS operating system, is still alive and seeing activity around the GPL-licensed project though the FreeDOS SVN code repository hasn't seen any activity in nearly one year...
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