FreeBSD In Q2-2022: More Than 30k Ports, Driver Improvements, Better Linux Compatibility

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  • darkoverlordofdata
    Originally posted by uid313 View Post
    Why don't they just move to Linux instead?
    Most FreeBSD (Unix) usage is corporate - for example, Netflix uses it. It predates Linux by about a decade, and it's firmly entrenched. Many will tell you it's more stable than Linux - I know that I prefer it - if only more linux apps were compatible I would totally switch.

    It costs a lot to migrate to another system, and companies need a compelling reason to switch. And if you work at one of these companies on the 'care and feeding' of Unix servers, you'll want a compatible desktop.

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  • Danielsan
    Originally posted by StarterX4 View Post
    "More than 30k ports" – how many of them tend to work still?
    Actually many of those are unmaintained, looks silly repeating the amount of ports on FreeBSD, at least on Debian when a package doesn't have a maintainer anymore is removed; by the other hand on FreeBSD there is a clear distinction between OS and third party packages... 🤔

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  • StarterX4
    "More than 30k ports" – how many of them tend to work still?

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  • Volta
    Originally posted by uid313 View Post
    They could work on the subsystem on Linux as they did in BSD, for example if they worked on file systems in FreeBSD they can work on file systems on Linux, if they worked on the TCP/IP stack in FreeBSD they can work on that in Linux.
    It's a different code base, so it wouldn't be such simple to switch. If someone gives them guarantee they will be payed as good as before and their opinions will matter more than <some random volunteer dev> they will maybe consider it. However, imagine working for your favorite project and then switching to competition. At least two people had no problem with it (Icaza, Poettering), but people are different.

    P.S. KDE -> Gnome, Gnome -> KDE.

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  • dragon321
    Originally posted by uid313 View Post
    Why don't they just move to Linux instead?
    Why Linux users don't just move to Windows instead?

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  • uid313
    Originally posted by Setif View Post

    Because of the license, Linux is GPL2.
    That's not so bad, is it?

    Originally posted by Volta View Post

    Who, devs? They know their code base and have well deserved positions in the project. Where would they fit in Linux after such switch? It would be downgrade for them.
    They could work on the subsystem on Linux as they did in BSD, for example if they worked on file systems in FreeBSD they can work on file systems on Linux, if they worked on the TCP/IP stack in FreeBSD they can work on that in Linux.

    Improvements to Linux benefits more people. Nobody cares about FreeBSD.

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  • Volta
    Originally posted by uid313 View Post
    Why don't they just move to Linux instead?
    Who, devs? They know their code base and have well deserved positions in the project. Where would they fit in Linux after such switch? It would be downgrade for them.

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  • Setif
    Originally posted by uid313 View Post
    Why don't they just move to Linux instead?
    Because of the license, Linux is GPL2.

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  • uid313
    Why don't they just move to Linux instead?

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  • kylew77
    Always good to see the quarterly report get covered. So busy with work I feel like 2 weeks ago was the first quarter report! Thanks Michael.

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