ReactOS 0.4.14 "Open-Source Windows" OS Brings Many Improvements

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67385

    ReactOS 0.4.14 "Open-Source Windows" OS Brings Many Improvements

    Phoronix: ReactOS 0.4.14 "Open-Source Windows" OS Brings Many Improvements

    ReactOS as the "open-source Windows" operating system developed by the community with an aim for binary compatibility with Microsoft Windows is out with a big update. The last release was ReactOS 0.4.13 all the way back in April 2020 while this week has been succeeded by the big ReactOS 0.4.14 update...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • kylew77
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2017
    • 1138

    92MB of RAM used at boot should be applauded. I've gotten lower than that on Linux before but only on Gentoo. Some of the BSDs will have a first start RAM usage lower than that too but once you enable the gui and stuff will sail past it. 92MB of RAM with a GUI is hard to do.


    • monkeynut
      Phoronix Member
      • Nov 2008
      • 102

      Looking forward to trying this on a old Pentium 4 I have lying around.


      • V1tol
        Senior Member
        • May 2016
        • 610

        Wine Staging 4.18 user mode DLLs
        That's fresh

        Originally posted by kylew77 View Post
        92MB of RAM used at boot should be applauded. I've gotten lower than that on Linux before but only on Gentoo. Some of the BSDs will have a first start RAM usage lower than that too but once you enable the gui and stuff will sail past it. 92MB of RAM with a GUI is hard to do.
        I remember having 70MB on Windows XP not so long ago. Of course it was heavily stripped distro but fully functional.


        • rene
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2015
          • 1505

          Originally posted by kylew77 View Post
          92MB of RAM used at boot should be applauded. I've gotten lower than that on Linux before but only on Gentoo. Some of the BSDs will have a first start RAM usage lower than that too but once you enable the gui and stuff will sail past it. 92MB of RAM with a GUI is hard to do.
          32MB i486 w/ Linux: no problem


          • doragasu
            Junior Member
            • Jan 2016
            • 46

            Originally posted by kylew77 View Post
            92MB of RAM used at boot should be applauded. I've gotten lower than that on Linux before but only on Gentoo. Some of the BSDs will have a first start RAM usage lower than that too but once you enable the gui and stuff will sail past it. 92MB of RAM with a GUI is hard to do.
            It's easy having a lower than 32 MiB memory footprint on Linux if you use a sane init environment (like procd from OpenWrt, and absolutely not systemd), Busybox and do not use a GUI. I have installed OpenWrt on many routers that have that amount of RAM (or even less in the past).

            If you go to the usual stuff (systemd, coreutils, window environment), you can reach that footprint if you choose wisely. I.e. I have about 110 MiB RAM used on boot on my destktop PC using i3-wm (and without using a login manager). Some time ago, on a Samsung ARM Chromeboot, I had an Arch install using about 90 MiB RAM with LXDE and even with a login manager (lightdm).

            Anyway I think optimizing 10 MiB of RAM seems a waste of time if later you are planning on opening things like an Internet Browser that will easily make the memory usage go above 1 GiB in an instant. If talking about ReactOS, I think it should be better spending time on making the USB stack work properly for example.


            • skeevy420
              Senior Member
              • May 2017
              • 8670

              Originally posted by rene View Post
              You monster, drinking out of a regular coffee cup. I can't go back to a regular coffee cup after getting a 12oz yeti mug. Keeps a cup hot for hours. I haven't had to reheat a cup of coffee since I got it.

              Not gonna lie, I cringed every time you'd move and saw that wire moving up and down that coffee cup and was thinking "use the Arctic Silver, not the Folgers".


              • monkeynut
                Phoronix Member
                • Nov 2008
                • 102

                Originally posted by doragasu View Post

                It's easy having a lower than 32 MiB memory footprint on Linux if you use a sane init environment (like procd from OpenWrt, and absolutely not systemd), Busybox and do not use a GUI. I have installed OpenWrt on many routers that have that amount of RAM (or even less in the past).

                If you go to the usual stuff (systemd, coreutils, window environment), you can reach that footprint if you choose wisely. I.e. I have about 110 MiB RAM used on boot on my destktop PC using i3-wm (and without using a login manager). Some time ago, on a Samsung ARM Chromeboot, I had an Arch install using about 90 MiB RAM with LXDE and even with a login manager (lightdm).

                Anyway I think optimizing 10 MiB of RAM seems a waste of time if later you are planning on opening things like an Internet Browser that will easily make the memory usage go above 1 GiB in an instant. If talking about ReactOS, I think it should be better spending time on making the USB stack work properly for example.
                Which is all well and good until the font guy doesn't know how to work on the USB stack and instead of getting one thing, you get nothing.


                • Iridium
                  Junior Member
                  • Mar 2016
                  • 4

                  Less than 100MBytes to boot is definitely impressive, compared to modern OSes, but I think it’s a photo of how incomplete it is when compared to a full Linux Mint system running. If we run the strip-down game, you could try AROS, or its Icaros distro, the AmigaOS open source cousin, and boot in less than 16MBytes, GUI included, but what for?


                  • rmfx
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2019
                    • 763

                    Why is the key component (Wine) so old in ReactOS ?

