Noticing A Problem With Ad Loading?

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  • Michael
    Looks like the culprit is narrowed down... Seems to be largely the ad as shown in poofyyoda's post. Now to hope my account manager and other ad contacts are working on Friday night like I

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  • Hoodlum
    Originally posted by Craig73 View Post
    Lol... this is somewhere between funny - and arrogant (not only reduce Phoronix ad revenue, but rub it in his face as well)
    I laughed too :x I like the idea of supporting sites like Phoronix with ad revenue in principle but there are simply too many intrusive adverts (as seen above, though not intentional - but this kind of problem happens) on so many sites that it's hard to justify not using adblock.

    Personal pet hates:
    1) move your pointer across one of the 200 ads in the article text and can't read anything. Move out of the way of one and you invariably hit another - truly hideous. Makes copying a line from the article an absolute nightmare, too. This one is so bad that I actually stopped visiting some sites because of it (pre adblock).

    2) flash ads with pulsating disco lights in the middle of the damn text, invariably pushing all the content out of the way to give you a seizure instead.

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  • Craig73
    Originally posted by susikala View Post
    No ads seen with adblock. If I see any, I'll be sure to report them to one of the adblock lists teams, don't worry.
    Lol... this is somewhere between funny - and arrogant (not only reduce Phoronix ad revenue, but rub it in his face as well)

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  • susikala
    No ads seen with adblock. If I see any, I'll be sure to report them to one of the adblock lists teams, don't worry.

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  • Craig73
    I was seeing it here on a recent-ish build of chromium on Ubuntu 9.04 and I'm in Canada. (so I temporarily turned on adblocking... now I can't reproduce it as I'm only getting vertical ads)

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  • Danyul
    Hehe my ads were at least legible. One for IE8 (I think, after I got this ad I turned on AdBlock) and a previous one for visual studio 2010....which I already own.

    I'm in Canadia using FF/Ubuntu

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  • poofyyoda
    I get that every time if I don't adblock it. Also happens to me if I access at uni, which uses Windows. The add is of a various type depending on where I am.

    Heres a screen:

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  • miles
    Big lottery add in a language I don't understand. Got that on all tabs (I open a bunch of them at a time) today for the first batch, then now it's ok (it really should only open on the first tab, but whatever).

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  • energyman
    yes. It is some flash stuff, because I have flash loading on demand on in konqueror, so I see a huge box with the 'start plugin' button in it. Sometimes all articles are ok, sometimes all articles loaded at the same time are hit. Reloading makes the box disappear.

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  • NomadDemon
    i saw today a big green ad with dunno what on it, with no close button ; / it was not good.. i added phoronix to white list on addblock, but have to turn it back to black list, sorry , i was unable to watch the page

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