For me the AOM-av1 test fails to produce a result. Installation logs are ok.
Debug-run outputs this:
Debug-run outputs this:
======================================================== AOM AV1 (Run 1 of 1) Encoder Mode: Speed 11 Realtime - Input: Bosphorus 1080p ======================================================== Test Run Directory: /home/eric/.phoronix-test-suite/installed-tests/pts/aom-av1-3.9.0/ Test Run Command: ./aom-av1 --tile-columns=4 --tile-rows=2 --row-mt=1 --fp-mt=1 --cpu-used=11 --rt Bosphorus_1920x1080_120fps_420_8bit_YUV.y4m sed: -e expression #1, char 16: unterminated `s' command Result Key: #_RESULT_# No Log File Found To Parse The test run did not produce a result. The following tests failed to properly run: - pts/aom-av1-3.9.0: Encoder Mode: Speed 11 Realtime - Input: Bosphorus 1080p Finishing System Sensor Monitoring Process