I'd like to have an automated benchmark of a very popular game [1]. Despite poor performance ratings in Wine [2], I still find it valuable to get an idea of what performance gains can be found for a very mainstream use case.
Test profile
The test scripts will be heavily based on the excellent launcher at
The graphic presets will stick to desktop presets: Standard, High or Maximum.
The test is downloaded from, which I will unzip under <game path>. The executable "<game path>/game/ffxiv_dx11.exe" returns a "ffxivbenchmarklauncher.ini" file under <game path>/, containing a score and average FPS. However, I will use score as test scale:
Filtering FPS and Score from the .ini will be straightforward, I used the following results-definition.xml:
Not all the settings need changing for these presets. I am going to use variables for the settings in the benchmark script. The test executable will look like this:
The file for Maximum presets, "presets_Maximum", will look like this:
On the one hand, this game seems to be very poorly optimized: for what I can see in the system monitors, the GPU utilization was not so high even during the most stressful parts.
However, it is a quite stable benchmark with very little deviation, so it does the job for me.
It's a good addition to the mix and I think represents a lot of games out there, which are also not so well optimized either.
I'd like to have an automated benchmark of a very popular game [1]. Despite poor performance ratings in Wine [2], I still find it valuable to get an idea of what performance gains can be found for a very mainstream use case.
Test profile
The test scripts will be heavily based on the excellent launcher at
The graphic presets will stick to desktop presets: Standard, High or Maximum.
<Option> <DisplayName>Graphics Preset</DisplayName> <Identifier>graphics-preset</Identifier> <Menu> <Entry> <Name>Standard</Name> <Value>Standard</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>High</Name> <Value>High</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Name>Maximum</Name> <Value>Maximum</Value> </Entry> </Menu> </Option>
<PhoronixTestSuite> <ResultsParser> <OutputTemplate>SCORE_FPSAVERAGE=#_RESULT_#</OutputTemplate> <LineHint>SCORE_FPSAVERAGE=</LineHint> <ResultScale>FPS</ResultScale> </ResultsParser> <ResultsParser> <OutputTemplate>SCORE=#_RESULT_#</OutputTemplate> <LineHint>SCORE=</LineHint> <ResultScale>Score</ResultScale> </ResultsParser> </PhoronixTestSuite>
#!/bin/bash VIDEO_WIDTH=${1} VIDEO_HEIGHT=${2} VIDEO_PRESET=${3} source ./presets_${VIDEO_PRESET} pushd <game path> HOME=${DEBUG_REAL_HOME} wine game/ffxiv_dx11.exe SYS.Language=1 SYS.Fps=0 SYS.ScreenMode=1 SYS.ScreenWidth=${VIDEO_WIDTH} SYS.ScreenHeight=${VIDEO_HEIGHT} SYS.FullScreenWidth=${VIDEO_WIDTH} SYS.FullScreenHeight=${VIDEO_HEIGHT} SYS.WaterWet_DX11=1 SYS.OcclusionCulling_DX11=${chk_occlusion_culling} SYS.LodType_DX11=${chk_distance_lod} SYS.ReflectionType_DX11=${cb_reflections} SYS.AntiAliasing_DX11=${chk_fxaa} SYS.TranslucentQuality_DX11=${cb_transparent_light ing} SYS.GrassQuality_DX11=${cb_grass_quality} SYS.ShadowLOD_DX11=${chk_shadow_lod} SYS.ShadowVisibilityTypeSelf_DX11=1 SYS.ShadowVisibilityTypeOther_DX11=${chk_shadow_np c} SYS.ShadowTextureSizeType_DX11=${cb_shadow_resolut ion} SYS.ShadowCascadeCountType_DX11=${cb_shadow_cascad ing} SYS.ShadowSoftShadowType_DX11=${cb_shadow_softenin g} SYS.PhysicsTypeSelf_DX11=2 SYS.PhysicsTypeOther_DX11=${grp_movement_npc} SYS.TextureFilterQuality_DX11=${cb_texture_filter_ quality} SYS.TextureAnisotropicQuality_DX11=${cb_texture_fi lter_anisotropy} SYS.Vignetting_DX11=${chk_vignette} SYS.RadialBlur_DX11=1 SYS.SSAO_DX11=${cb_ambient_occlusion} SYS.Glare_DX11=${cb_glare} SYS.DepthOfField_DX11=1 SYS.ParallaxOcclusion_DX11=${cb_parallax_occlusion } SYS.Tessellation_DX11=${cb_tessellation} SYS.GlareRepresentation_DX11=1 SYS.DistortionWater_DX11=2 >> ${LOG_FILE} sleep 2 cat <game path>/ffxivbenchmarklauncher.ini >> ${LOG_FILE}
chk_occlusion_culling=1 chk_distance_lod=1 chk_shadow_lod=1 chk_fxaa=1 chk_shadow_npc=1 chk_vignette=1 cb_reflections=3 cb_transparent_lighting=1 cb_glare=2 cb_shadow_resolution=2 cb_tessellation=1 cb_parallax_occlusion=1 cb_shadow_cascading=2 cb_shadow_softening=1 cb_grass_quality=3 cb_texture_filter_anisotropy=1 cb_texture_filter_quality=2 cb_ambient_occlusion=3 grp_movement_npc=2
On the one hand, this game seems to be very poorly optimized: for what I can see in the system monitors, the GPU utilization was not so high even during the most stressful parts.
However, it is a quite stable benchmark with very little deviation, so it does the job for me.
It's a good addition to the mix and I think represents a lot of games out there, which are also not so well optimized either.