Phoronix Test Suite v10.8.1
CentOS Linux 7 (Kernel: 3.10.0-1160.53.1.el7.x86_64 (x86_64)
I can't seem to be able to install any test as I keep getting the same PHP fatal error:
I tried install other tests but they all fail with the same above error about pts_installed_test.php on line 105.
Any recommendations on what to check to resolve the above error?
I checked to confirm I have all required php dependencies but not sure if I also need the "optional" php libraries as well:
Diagnostics Results:
CentOS Linux 7 (Kernel: 3.10.0-1160.53.1.el7.x86_64 (x86_64)
I can't seem to be able to install any test as I keep getting the same PHP fatal error:
# phoronix-test-suite install iozone PHP Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite/pts-core/objects/client/pts_installed_test.php on line 105
Any recommendations on what to check to resolve the above error?
I checked to confirm I have all required php dependencies but not sure if I also need the "optional" php libraries as well:
# phoronix-test-suite php-conf PHP: 5.4.16 PHP VERSION ID: 50416 PHP BINARY: php MAIN CAPABILITY CHECK: PRESENT - DOM The Document Object Model is required for XML operations. PRESENT - ZIP ZIP support is required for file compression. PRESENT - JSON JSON support is required for PRESENT - SimpleXML SimpleXML is required for XML operations. PRESENT - OpenSSL OpenSSL support is recommended to support HTTPS traffic. PRESENT - GD The GD library is recommended for improved graph rendering. PRESENT - Zlib The Zlib extension can be used for greater file compression. PRESENT - Bzip2 The bzcompress/bzip2 support can be used for greater file compression. MISSING - SQLite3 SQLite3 is required when running a Phoromatic server. PRESENT - PCNTL PCNTL is highly recommended as it is required by some tests. MISSING - POSIX POSIX support is highly recommended. PRESENT - CURL CURL is recommended for an enhanced download experience. PRESENT - Sockets Sockets is needed when running the Phoromatic Server. PRESENT - Readline Readline support is useful for tab-based auto-completion support. OPTIONAL FUNCTION CHECKS: cli_set_process_title MISSING ctype_alnum PRESENT ctype_digit PRESENT ctype_print PRESENT curl_init PRESENT filter_var PRESENT finfo_file PRESENT finfo_open PRESENT gzcompress PRESENT gzdeflate PRESENT gzinflate PRESENT hash_file PRESENT imageantialias PRESENT imagecreatefromgif PRESENT imagecreatefrompng PRESENT imagecreatefromstring PRESENT imagepng PRESENT imagettftext PRESENT json_decode PRESENT mime_content_type PRESENT pcntl_fork PRESENT pcntl_signal PRESENT posix_getpid MISSING posix_getpwuid MISSING posix_getuid MISSING posix_isatty MISSING posix_kill MISSING posix_setsid MISSING preg_replace PRESENT simplexml_load_string PRESENT socket_create_listen PRESENT sqlite_escape_string MISSING ssh2_connect MISSING stream_context_set_params PRESENT timezone_name_from_abbr PRESENT zip_open PRESENT
Diagnostics Results:
# phoronix-test-suite diagnostics PTS_VERSION = 10.8.1 PTS_CORE_VERSION = 10810 PTS_RELEASE_DATE = 20220123 PTS_CODENAME = Nesseby PTS_IS_CLIENT = 1 PTS_IS_WEB_CLIENT = PTS_IS_DEV_BUILD = PTS_PHP_VERSION = 5.4.16 QUICK_START = PTS_CORE_PATH = /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite/pts-core/ PTS_INTERNAL_OB_CACHE = /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite/ob-cache/ PTS_IS_DAEMONIZED_SERVER_PROCESS = 1 PTS_USER_PATH = /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/ PTS_CORE_STORAGE = /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/core.pt2so PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_PATH = /var/cache/phoronix-test-suite/download-cache/ PTS_OPENBENCHMARKING_SCRATCH_PATH = /var/cache/phoronix-test-suite/ PTS_TEST_PROFILE_PATH = /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/test-profiles/ PTS_TEST_SUITE_PATH = /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/test-suites/ PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH = /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite/pts-core/static/ PTS_SHARE_PATH = /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite/ PTS_INIT_TIME = 1643561795 PTS_COMMAND_PATH = /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite/pts-core/commands/ PHP_BIN = php FIRST_RUN_ON_PTS_UPGRADE = TIME_PTS_LAUNCHED = 1643561795 IS_FIRST_RUN_TODAY = TIME_SINCE_LAST_RUN = 1 PTS_TEST_INSTALL_DEFAULT_PATH = /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/installed-tests/ PTS_SAVE_RESULTS_PATH = /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/test-results/ PTS_USER_LOCK = /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/run-lock-84bnYw PTS_STARTUP_TASK_PERFORMED = 1 HAS_REFRESHED_OBO_LIST = 1 Variables That Can Be Used As Result Identifiers / File Names: VIDEO_RESOLUTION = 1024x768 VIDEO_CARD = bochsdrmfb VIDEO_DRIVER = OPENGL_DRIVER = OPERATING_SYSTEM = CentOS Linux 7 PROCESSOR = 4 x Intel Xeon Gold 6132 (7 Cores) MOTHERBOARD = Xen HVM domU v4.13 CHIPSET = Intel 440FX 82441FX PMC KERNEL_VERSION = 3.10.0-1160.53.1.el7.x86_64 COMPILER = HOSTNAME = centos7-test Environment Variables (accessible via test scripts): PTS_VERSION = 10.8.1 PTS_DIR = /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite/ PTS_LAUNCHER = /usr/bin/phoronix-test-suite PHP_BIN = php NUM_CPU_CORES = 4 OMP_NUM_THREADS = 4 NUM_CPU_PHYSICAL_CORES = 7 NUM_CPU_PHYSICAL_CORES_CUBE = 1 CPU_THREADS_PER_CORE = 1 NUM_CPU_NODES = 1 NUM_CPU_JOBS = 8 SYS_MEMORY = 4096 VIDEO_MEMORY = 64 VIDEO_WIDTH = 1024 VIDEO_HEIGHT = 768 VIDEO_MONITOR_COUNT = 1 VIDEO_MONITOR_LAYOUT = CENTER VIDEO_MONITOR_SIZES = 1024x768 OPERATING_SYSTEM = centos OS_VERSION = 7 OS_ARCH = x86_64 OS_TYPE = Linux CPU_FAMILY = cascadelake THIS_RUN_TIME = 1643561795 DEBUG_REAL_HOME = /root/ DEBUG_PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin SYSTEM_TYPE_ID = V SYSTEM_TYPE = Virtual TERMINAL_WIDTH = 100 C_CXX_FLAGS_DEFAULT = -O3 -march=native GPU_DEVICE_ID = 1111 CPU Usage (Summary): 0.00 % Memory Usage: 188 MB System Uptime 796 M