Is the disk benchmark showing wrong devices?

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  • lesto
    same issue for me, maybe this weekend ill just detach the other ssd and check again

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  • chalybeum
    Not mounted into the filesystem. Neither through fstab nor manually.

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  • Dedobot
    Spend almost hour looking for explanation w/o success and then I noted "..aren't even mounted." .
    What you mean - physical, out of the pc case or just not present to the OS, but up and running ?

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  • chalybeum
    started a topic Is the disk benchmark showing wrong devices?

    Is the disk benchmark showing wrong devices?

    Hi I am new to testing wit PTS but I encountered behaviour, that I can only believe to be a bug.

    I have 4 drives in system. 2 NVME, 1 SSD and 1 HDD.
    I installed Arch solely on one of the NVMEs ( a Force MP500). PTS is running from this drive, the others aren't even mounted.
    However the results of pts/disk claim to have tested my tested my SSD ( a Samsung EVO 850).

    I found this thread from 2015:

    I already changed the directory but I'm unsure what to do with that tip about the -f. Which file should I point it to? Should the -f go into the user-config or is it run with the command? The tip is a bit vague in that regard.

    Anyways, since the system solely lives on the NVME I can't believe, that its really testing the SSD. I could live wit it if it where the only drive. But how should I know I'm benching the right one later on when changing the directorys to another drive?

    A little light on this will be much appreciated.