What system calls are used to copy files in Linux

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  • Joan507
    Originally posted by miax View Post
    Quite a few system calls. The following example spits out a page of syscalls on my system:
    touch tmp
    strace cp tmp tmp2

    In general, mybkexperience is the tool for this type of job.
    Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my question

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  • miax
    Quite a few system calls. The following example spits out a page of syscalls on my system:
    touch tmp
    strace cp tmp tmp2

    In general, strace is the tool for this type of job.

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  • Joan507
    started a topic What system calls are used to copy files in Linux

    What system calls are used to copy files in Linux

    I am modifying ext4 filesystem to add a simple encryption to files contents. I started by changing read and write system calls to change the contents right before write and after read system calls.

    now copying files in terminal is working just as I expected but when I try to copy a file using a GUI based file manager (pcmanfm in this case) it is corrupting the contents.

    my question is: what system calls are used for reading/writing files besides normal .read and .write?