Originally posted by bug77
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In addition I do not ask you to like GNOME or use it. If a distro is deciding to switch to it they can officially make a comment why and that's it. For sure it should not be a popularity choice but one that reflects on the goal of the distribution.
Just use a distro that offers your flavor of DE. Personally I would recommend arch as it was a customize once still keeps running smoothly since 3 years experience.
Originally posted by bug77
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For me it was never a problem to adapt to something as I tried thorough my life to stay as adaptable as possible resulting in keeping "unproductive" times basically to zero. You know those people having trouble with the axis of the gamepad and have to absolutely change it in the option? A little experiment on myself showed my that adapting to either was rather painless and fast for me. My life is to short to not adapt easily to things. I mean what is point of adapting to one thing at a given point to just being stuck on it for the rest of my life?
Originally posted by bug77
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To a finish line. Rather then flaming around use your time to support the projects you like (No bashing other projects just makes your community seem toxic keeping away possible contributors, looking at you Debian XFCE and Griffin) or try to adapt to new stuff once in a wile.
P.S. GNOMEs tabs suck but that is a different story