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It Looks Like AMDGPU DC (DAL) Will Not Be Accepted In The Linux Kernel

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  • It Looks Like AMDGPU DC (DAL) Will Not Be Accepted In The Linux Kernel

    Phoronix: It Looks Like AMDGPU DC (DAL) Will Not Be Accepted In The Linux Kernel

    While AMD developers have been working to improve their "DAL" (now known as "DC") display code for the better part of the past year and this code is needed for new hardware support as well as supporting HDMI/DP audio on existing AMDGPU-enabled hardware plus other features, it's still not going to be accepted to the mainline kernel in its current form...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

  • #2
    David Airlie loves to screw over gamers/HTPC users by forcing them to use current/older GPUs. I would burn "loyalist" crap in fire if I were him and force him to accept AMD's code. Besides, adding DC would be a huge win for those with GPUs coming out in the near future.

    TL;DR: Sorry David Airlie, but you should give up as a maintainer. I side with AMD in this one.


    • #3
      Ugh! I guess my trolling got caught in the moderation queue for siding with AMD...

      Didn't mean that.
      Last edited by GraysonPeddie; 08 December 2016, 10:03 PM.


      • #4
        This makes me a really sad puppy especially considering I only build AMD based systems on GNU/Linux. This certainly will hurt when I build gaming system early next year for sure. I am sad


        • #5
          I hope major downstream distros like ubuntu accept and use this patch. Then I hope they put the pressure on the mainline kernel to include it. I use arch so I will likely have to patch my own kernel though if arch and debian at least gave an optional kernel with this I would be happy.


          • #6
            Where to from here?


            • #7
              Oh, i finnaly figured out why DAL was renamed it is acronym for Dave Airlie's Linux


              • #8
                Well, I guess I'll be manually patching and building the kernel for DAL/DC instead of waiting. Hopefully they make the patches easily accessible assuming they haven't already.

                I don't really like Airlie's attitude throughout the reply, but he makes good points in the last paragraph. Expecting perfection and for them to perfectly conform his standards and maintain it separately which is exactly what they're trying to avoid is a bit unreasonable, though that's the feeling I get from it.

                It'd be nice if they could properly discuss what their options are, where they can compromise, and what they have planned for the future if it's merged. Again, this is assuming they haven't already; I haven't been following it. The 'My way or the highway' response doesn't help anyone when they know it's not possible.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
                  Well, I guess I'll be manually patching and building the kernel for DAL/DC instead of waiting. Hopefully they make the patches easily accessible assuming they haven't already.

                  I don't really like Airlie's attitude throughout the reply, but he makes good points in the last paragraph. Expecting perfection and for them to perfectly conform his standards and maintain it separately which is exactly what they're trying to avoid is a bit unreasonable, though that's the feeling I get from it.

                  It'd be nice if they could properly discuss what their options are, where they can compromise, and what they have planned for the future if it's merged. Again, this is assuming they haven't already; I haven't been following it. The 'My way or the highway' response doesn't help anyone when they know it's not possible.
                  Not quite as unreasonable as it sounds. They didn't discuss the original design with kernel maintainers at all. They instead shoved 93,000 lines of code in everyone's face as a hail mary and wanted everyone to accept it. Dave's original response was here (notice the timestamp):

                  In addition, the team that developed DAL hasn't really communicated very well with anyone. There's no interaction which is why Dave is so hard on them. He warned them several times, they ignored him, and they put him in a hard position. I don't envy him at this time but I think he made the right call for long term quality.

                  EDIT: Reading over all of the conversations, this does seem a bit harsh and bridgman claims that clarification on their intentions is needed due to an apparent disconnect between AMD and the community developers. Also, a strike-through doesn't appear to exist on a forum in 2016.
                  Last edited by computerquip; 09 December 2016, 12:15 AM.


                  • #10
                    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. and its the average Linux user that gets screwed again!

