Originally posted by Gusar
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Err, the medium is very much worth something. Or does the paper the info is printed on (and the printing press itself for that matter) appear out of thin air?
They have costs too (translation, servers, advertising), less than physical but there still are, and can't be ignored.
And that is still ignoring the elephant in the room, the poor fucker that spent a long time writing the stuff and took the large risk of simply not going on sale (so wasting all the work), does get a share too (usually not that fair with physical copies).
You still don't get what stealing actually is. It's depriving the original owner of the use of what was stolen.
Otherwise it's all the same bs again you can hear from thieves of physical stuff, "oh, but they have insurance" "oh, but they are throwing this away anyway", "oh, but they have so much of this that they won't notice" and so on.
Stealing is taking something that is NOT yours, period.
No, that's the whole effin' point! *You* brought up crime. You can't backtrack now with "that's an unimportant detail".
We're not stealing shit, so your argument is invalid.
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