Originally posted by lkcl
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That Open, Upgradeable ARM Dev Board Is Trying To Make A Comeback
Originally posted by starshipeleven View PostDon't be an idiot, they already told you why they cannot above.
Originally posted by starshipeleven View PostAnd I already called them loonies as if the FSF does not care, they shouldn't either.
Originally posted by pal666 View Postdon't be an idiot, i already told you excuses will not make it useful
fsf is not going to buy this product, customers are. customers will vote with walletLast edited by starshipeleven; 02 July 2016, 08:34 PM.
Originally posted by thinkpenguin View PostIt has an SoC that is 2 1/2 times faster than the Raspberry Pi.
Originally posted by thinkpenguin View PostIt's also not as broken, buggy, or problematic as what came out of Bradcom with the Raspberry Pi project.
Originally posted by starshipeleven View Postdon't be an idiot again, these are not excuses, it's sad reality.
Originally posted by starshipeleven View PostCustomers will not buy this because it is a turd, not because Allwinner is a GPL violator in some drivers used in some crap chinese tablet somehwere.
guuys? ahhh, i thought you might like to be made aware that i'm currently tracking about ten different simultaneous discussions. they're interesting, they're busy, and they're exciting... except for this one, where there are people - bear in mind that these discussions are *permanent*, archived forever and cannot be removed - giving out a really bad vibe. this is the only forum where that's happening. you might want to reflect on that before continuing to use such phrases and passing such judgements. it doesn't do you any favours, and it gives the whole community a bad name, as well as affects the reputation of the phoronix forum itself.
Originally posted by pal666 View Postno matter how easier it is to make, laptop without graphics won't fly.
remember also this is crowd-funding. this production run is just a stepping-stone - a way to bootstrap up. we have to start somewhere, and i have designed the whole project around being able to reasonably, responsibly and ethically scale up.
bottom line is, you're *not* "buying a product", you're helping us to reach much larger goals. crowd-funding is not used for "sales of products". you can't "invest". you can't place "orders". the language is completely different: it's based around appreciation, gifts and rewards.
better build laptop around rpi 3
"To ethically and responsibly bring eco-conscious mass-volume desirable products to market that save people money long-term".
so from that we can work out some design requirements:
* must be based around some sort of robust long-term standard that keeps products out of landfill
* must be easy to upgrade (take a few seconds)
* must be easy to repair (documentation available)
* must be attractive and desirable
* must have reasonably robust components that are easily sourced
but also the ethical aspect has some implications as well:
* component suppliers must not be cartelling, or engaging in other illegal or hypocritical practices
* components must be available without NDAs or huge financial disincentives (MOQ 1 million for example)
... can you see where this is going? even before we get to considering the implementation, i don't believe that the rpi 3 (or a product based around it) fulfils even a *SINGLE* one of these requirements. would you agree with that assessment? if you don't, i can take you through them one by one?
in other words, what i'm saying is that if you set certain parameters - to be ethical and environmentally responsible about the way that you do business for example - it has certain implications which totally rule out and overrule *any* kind of "technically superior" components because the company making them is... just... yeah, you got it i'm sure.
and y'know what? i'm happy to make that choice.
Originally posted by InsideJob View PostI agree about nobody caring anymore -- We're not free from fascist corporatism so who cares
i do. i choose to take a stand. i reject it. i do not submit. they do not own me. i reject their authority. i am responsible for my own decisions. "i'm spartacus"! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8h_v_our_Q
oh - found another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlRVxzHUSNc
I just tossed a Banana Pi M2 in the GARBAGE because it's a waste of my time so no way I'm paying $500 for Allwinner's obsolete technology.
also bear in mind, that $500 is going towards supporting the *campaign*. you're *not* paying for a *product*, you're helping support the ideas that i've put up on the page, helping me to see through the vision that i've been working on for five years.
you're receiving a *reward* in return...
crowd funding is based around "gift economy", it's not a contract of sale, product orders or investment. it's totally different.
so if you support the *ideas* that i am seeking to fulfil, consider backing those... and incidentally i'll reward you by sending you something in the post that's a bit better than a banana pi
IMHO, though, these guys should be making a SoC tablet not a laptop. That's the niche market for small (and cheap) system boards.
i've got a tablet design standing by - my sponsor decided that it would be better to start with a laptop than with a tablet. once we've got this crowdfunding campaign done and in production, i'll revisit the tablet design when i'm in taiwan, as i will be able to go directly to the factories and find an appropriate and reasonably-priced LCD and matching CTP. that's *really* hard to do from Europe, i can tell you!
so if you'd like to see a tablet made on a follow-up crowd funding campaign (where you'll be able to upgrade *that* and also save money because you already bought a Computer Card), help out by supporting this one.
at the same time i'll likely have found an appropriate quad-core processor, because i will have gone into Allwinner's offices with a big baseball bat and bludgeoned the engineers over the head with it until they give me the GPL source code. if they don't (or they throw me out of the offices) I'll use the RK3188 because Tom Cubie kindly released the Radxa Rock PCB CAD files so i can easily rework that into an EOMA68 form-factor (i'm 20% the way done with that already).
this ain't a small project man!this modular robust approach is basically totally unique - there's literally nothing like it on the market today. at all. and you're damn lucky i'm a software libre engineer - imagine how this would go down if it was done by an irresponsible profit-maximising corporation that was completely ignorant of and didn't care about keeping the free software community happy and actively involved in the hardware development process??
Last edited by lkcl; 02 July 2016, 11:02 PM.
Originally posted by Michael_S View Post
Thanks for running the project!
Trying to make real progress with fully Libre computers has got to be like six knights picking up their lances to do battle with a continent of Smaug-class dragons.
In terms of GPL violations, I would guess that the Free Software Foundation is totally practical - Microsoft, Apple, Oracle, and Sony could collaborate on a device, and release it with top to bottom free software, and the FSF would still certify it without blinking an eye. The statements "This Device Respects Your Freedom" or "This Device Does Not Respect Your Freedom" take into account only the actual device and the software running on it, nothing about the history of the companies involved in its creation.