Ubuntu Is Deprecating fglrx (Catalyst) In 16.04 LTS

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  • bridgman
    AMD Linux
    • Oct 2007
    • 13187

    AMD is expected to roll out their new Catalyst Linux driver based on the AMDGPU kernel driver. There, however, that support is still expected to be limited to GCN 1.2+ GPUs
    Michael, can you please stop saying this ? It just sends incorrect information out to our customers. We have said multiple times that CI (GCN 1.1) is enabled by default in amdgpu hybrid drivers, and that we and others are looking into supporting SI (GCN 1.0) support as well.

    Test signature


    • Nille_kungen
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2008
      • 1004

      Originally posted by asdfblah View Post
      OK. my point still stands, that's still unsupported by the oss driver. why, for example, couldn't they open-source their already existent OpenCL code?
      OpenCL is supported already and AMD is open sourcing their OpenGL 2 code for supported hardware.


      • pal666
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2013
        • 9177

        Originally posted by asdfblah View Post
        why, for example, couldn't they open-source their already existent OpenCL code?
        they are preparing opencl code for opensourcing
        Originally posted by asdfblah View Post
        how is this *not* dupplicated effort? they already wasted resources on 2 drivers.
        they had one working driver and one which will replace it in distant future. they can't leave users with no driver at all for years, you are already screaming because you will have to wait two months without new ubuntu.
        Originally posted by asdfblah View Post
        I can *not* use my hardware fully or have a good experience with neither of these drivers, for the hardware I paid for.
        i can not use my nvidia hardware at all with wayland. ok, i don't sponsor most linux-hostile vendors, but what if a did?
        Originally posted by asdfblah View Post
        you are either an open-source fetishist (because having and open-source driver is better actually than having a driver that supports your hardware and the features it promised, right?)
        i am sane. when i need windows driver, i use windows


        • ThE_MarD
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2016
          • 6


          Originally posted by bridgman View Post

          Michael, can you please stop saying this ? It just sends incorrect information out to our customers. We have said multiple times that CI (GCN 1.1) is enabled by default in amdgpu hybrid drivers, and that we and others are looking into supporting SI (GCN 1.0) support as well.

          bridgman thank you for your insight and for clarifying that. Tbh it didn't make sense to me that amdgpu would be limited to GCN1.2+ since AMD have been really good about supporting GCN in general.

          I also can understand why fglrx can't go open source. 3DFX only went open source with their drivers of course after NVIDIA bought them out and had no plans to continue support on their hardware which sadly makes sense since they were poo with DirectX games which were gaining momentum (and I say that as an owner of a 3DFX Voodoo 4 32MB PCI... bought it four months before the bankrupty/buyout stuff... doh!) so I completely understand why AMDGPU is open sourced instead. Besides, it has already made great progress and spanks mesa so it's probably only a matter of time before it achieves pariety with fglrx in OpenGL performance.


          • unixfan2001
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2014
            • 965

            Originally posted by pal666 View Post
            i can not use my nvidia hardware at all with wayland.
            Wait a minute! You call people using proprietary hardware/software idiots, yet own a top of the line NVIDIA GPU yourself?
            I'm not sure if you're just a hypocrite or conscious enough to realise you're an idiot yourself.


            • Passso
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2014
              • 1120

              Originally posted by pal666 View Post
              only fanboy can make choice of linux atm. use windows instead of using windows drivers on linux.
              My father just stayed blocked on his brand new Win 8.1 metro UI like a chicken with a knife and asked me: "hey, do you know something more simple?"

              He is not a fanboy, he just made his choice after trying a bootable USB key of Ubuntu.


              • Passso
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2014
                • 1120

                [I]pal666 was saying s**t as always because he is God and God can say that true = false and false = true in C++ just to loose time because he is immortal so can annoy mortals till their death[/I]
                Originally posted by unixfan2001 View Post

                Wait a minute! You call people using proprietary hardware/software idiots, yet own a top of the line NVIDIA GPU yourself?
                I'm not sure if you're just a hypocrite or conscious enough to realise you're an idiot yourself.
                Believe me this guy is both. He just likes 4F (Forum Fight For Fun). We guys should stop feeding him.


                • Luke
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2013
                  • 1456

                  Part of the problem here is that the development cycle of Ubuntu (and probably many other distros) is now out of sync with the development of many projects, AMD's drivers just being one of them. Ubuntu's GNOME is always one cycle behind, as there was never time to catch up after the 3.0/initial Unity cycle. MATE is coming up on 1.14 and that might be good enough with GTK3 to get distros to use it by default. The excellent kdenlive 15.12 just barely made it, even though it was released in December. Kdenlive 15.04 missed the deadline last year for Ubuntu 15.04, this will happen again to Kdenlive 16.04, which if current GIT master is any guide will be fantastic. In between, the buggy 15.08 got into Ubuntu 15.10, skipping the reliable and perfectly good kdenlive 15.04 entirely.

                  This isn't just AMD drivers as you can see, maybe Ubuntu should release a 16.6 or even 16.7 LTS instead of a 16.04 that forces everything to be either old or half-baked, hell Dapper Drake was 6.06.


                  • azari
                    Phoronix Member
                    • Feb 2016
                    • 59

                    Originally posted by Luke View Post
                    This isn't just AMD drivers as you can see, maybe Ubuntu should release a 16.6 or even 16.7 LTS instead of a 16.04 that forces everything to be either old or half-baked, hell Dapper Drake was 6.06.
                    I dunno, I think part of the appeal to Ubuntu is the predictable release cycle. I think they just need to be more flexible about how they upgrade their non-LTS releases; Fedora doesn't seem to have the same issues, because they *test* with the upstream development packages and so they know they can count on those packages being good for release. Of course, Fedora and Red Hat actually contribute to the upstream projects, so they have a good understanding of the general stability and readiness level of the software, whereas Canonical is too busy NIHing everything to understand what is going on upstream.

                    If Ubuntu 16.04 just started testing with Gnome 3.19 in advance, then they would be ready for when it hits stable in late March, and they'd be ready to ship it in April.


                    • Kano
                      Kanotix Developer
                      • Aug 2007
                      • 7924

                      Ubuntu LTS is totally overrated in terms of long time support. First of all only a small subset of Debian packages are in the Ubuntu main repository. Only those are officially supported, more or less the packages you get when you install Ubuntu. If the first thing you do after an OS install is to add lots of other packages then you can be sure at max those are community supported. You get a Debian snapshot every 6 month, not that bad but Debian would just update the packages if they are not frozen and the LTS release does not match a Debian stable release. So you can forget that all packages are fixed for security issues. That's why I definitely prefer Debian stable with selected updates over Ubuntu LTS.

